Wat kan ek doen sodat Goeie Nuus die media oorneem?
Wat kan ek prakties doen sodat Goeie Nuus die media oorneem?
Stap 1: Ondersteun Nuus.News!
Die eerste ding wat jy kan doen is om Nuus.News te ondersteun. Die platform is reeds besig om Suid Afrika te bereik en jy kan kragte met ons smee en ander vertel van Nuus.News. Hoe meer Goeie Nuus artikels on kan versprei, die groter invloed gaan dit hê in ons mooi land, Suid Afrika.
Help Nuus.News om die media te domineer as volg:
Soek Nuus.News op Google. Tik in by Google search: “Nuus” en soek dan in die resultate vir Nuus.News en kliek op dit. Doen dit elke keer as jy na die website toe wil gaan. Hoe meer mense dit doen hoër op gaan Nuus.News op Google verskyn. Hoe meer mense dit doen, hoe vinniger gaan Nuus.News nommer 1 wees in die Google soek resultate, en meer mense gaan dit kan sien en dit begin ondersteun.
Stap 2: Deel Nuus.News met almal wat jy ken
Deel Nuus.News met jou vriende, familie, kollegas, kliënte, ens ens. Gebruik die social share buttons om Nuus.News te deel met jou vriende en familie op Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, ens.
Hoe meer mense Goeie Nuus artikels deel, hoe meer sal mense se oë oopgaan tot die feit dat alles is nie altyd sleg nie maar dat daar is Goed in die wêreld ook! In ‘n samelewing sal jy vind dat miskien minder as 5% van die populasie doelbewus kriminele atkiwiteite najaag. So hoekom domineer die 5%-sleg-en-bose die hele samelewing se sienings? Dis omdat die hoofstroom media besluit het om slegs te fokus op dit! Die vrees wat die media skep met slegte artikels verkoop meer koerante! Ai, vandag kan jy ‘n verskil maak. Jou betrokkenheid in Nuus.News kan Suid Afrika verander en mense se persepsie van hulle wêreld rondom hulle.
Stap 3: Borg Nuus.News finansieël
Verder, jy kan Goeie Nuus Artikels finansieël borg. Kontak ons en maak ‘n finansiële bydrae om ‘n bv. ‘n artikel te borg, ons media kostes te dek, foto kostes te borg, lisensie fooie ens ens. te dek.
Selfs al is Nuus.News verniet, kan jy ook ‘n maandelikse finansiële kontribusie maak om seker te maak dat hoë kwaliteit inhoud uitgaan.
Stap 4: Stuur jou Goeie Nuus artikels aan Nuus.News vir publikasie
Ondersteun Nuus.News deur jou Goeie Nuus Artikels instuur vir publikasie.
Dit help Nuus.News om vinniger te groei: hoe meer goeie Nuus artikels ons het, hoe vinniger groei ons Goeie Nuus netwerk. Ons kan nie by almal uitkom nie, maar jy kan jou wêreld bereik en jou wêreld se nuus aan Nuus.News stuur. Ons sal dit publiseer.
Stap 5: Plaas 'n betaalde advertensie op Nuus.News vir jouself, jou kerk of iemand anders
As jy ‘n besigheid het en wil adverteer op Nuus.News sal ons jou ook met blydskap ondersteun. Jy kan ‘n betaalde advertensie plaas. Elke advertensie geplaas kan voordelig vir jou of jou besigheid wees en jou in ‘n goeie lig plaas en ook die verspreiding van Goeie Nuus ondersteun!
Jy kan ook ‘n advertensie vir iemand anders plaas, bv. vir jou kerk, of ‘n familie lid se besigheid. Wees kreatief!
Stap 6: In opsomming
Maar die beste manier vir jou om Goeie Nuus te ondersteun is om ‘n artikel wat jou persoonlik geraak het te versprei indien dit jou geraak het, sodat dit ander ook kan inspireer.
How can I make Good News to take over the media?
What can I practically do so that Good News will take over the media?
Stap 1: Support Nuus.News!
The first thing you can do is by supporting Nuus.News. The platform is already reaching South Africa and you can join forces with us and tell others about Nuus.News. The more Good News articles we can spread, the bigger the influence it will have in our beautiful country, South Africa.
Help Nuus.News to dominate as follows:
Search Nuus.News on Google. Type into the Google search box “News” and search then in the results for Nuus.News and click on it. Do it every time that you want to go to the website. The more people that do that, the higher up Nuus.News will display in Google. The more people do this, the quicker will Nuus.News number 1 in the Google search results and the more people will see it and support it.
Step 2 : Share Nuus.News with everyone you know
You can share Nuus.News with your friends, family, colleague, clients, etc etc. Use the social share buttons on the website to share Nuus.News with your friends and family on Whatsapp, facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email etc.
The more people share Good News articles, the more people’s eyes will go open to the fact that everything is not always bad but that there is Good in this world too! In a society one would find maybe less than 5% of the population actively pursuing criminal intent. so why does the 5% bad and evil dominate society? Its because the media decided to focus only on that! The fear that the media creates with bad news articles sells more newspapers! Oh, today you can make a difference. Your involvement in Nuus.News can change South Africa and people’s perception of their world around them.
Step 3: Sponsor Nuus.News financially
Furthermore, you can sponsor Good News Articles. Contact us and make a finacial contribution for instance to sponsor an article, to cover our media costs, to sponsor our photos, cover our license fees etc.
Even though Nuus.News is free, you can make a monthly donation to support high quality content going out.
Stap 4: Send your Good News articles to Nuus.News for publication
You can also send in your Good News Articles.
This helps Nuus.Nes to grow quicker: the more Good News articles we have, the quicker our Good News network will grow. We cannot get to everyone, but you can reach your world and send your world’s news to Nuus.News. We will publicise it.
Stap 5: Put a paid advert on Nuus.News for yourself, your church or someone else
If you have a business and want to advertise on Nuus.News we will support yuou with gladness. You can book an paid advertisement. Every advertisement place can be beneficial to you or your business and place you in gooed light and it will also will support the distribution of Good News.
You can also book an advertisement for someone else, for example your church of a family member’s business. Be creative!
Stap 6: In summary
But most of all we need you to share a Good News article when it touches your spirit. If an article can inspire you, please share it with others since it can inspire others too.