Hoe om 'n Nuus.News Vennot te word
Wie is 'n Nuus.News Vennoot?
‘n Nuus.News vennoot is iemand wat maandeliks finansieël bydra tot die webblad.
Dit is ‘n opsionele en vrwillige bydrae wat jy maandeliks kan maak om die webblad se kostes te dek sowel as om die webblad uit te brei.
Die webblad se visie is om te fokus op Goeie Nuus en om die publiek die ware storie, die waarheid, agter die storie te bring.
Ons nuusberigte gaan oor stories wat die hoofstroom media jou nooit sal vertel nie.
JOU maandelikse bydrae gaan verseker dat ons kwaliteit artikels gaan publiseer wat die wêreld gaan verander.
Om jou ‘n voorbeeld te gee – ons eerste artikel oor die omstrede Eiendoms Onteienings voorgestelde Onteiening van eiendom Sonder Vergoeding (OSV) was op 22 Januarie geplaas. Binne 7 dae het ons meer as 50,000 mense gehad wat gerageer het op die berig. Suid Afrikaners het nie geweet dat hulle moes kommentaar gee op die OSV in ‘n Publieke Deelname Proses (PDP) nie. Nuus.News het hulle bewus gemaak van dit. Meeste mense het hulle stemme gaan maak oor die OSV en dit het ewe skielik ‘n media sensasie veroorsaak en verskeie sosiale media platforms het daarmee begin hardloop. Selfs die politieke partye het daarop begin reageer. Die uiteinde was dat daar so ‘n publieke oproer was oor dit dat die Ad-hoc kommitee van die Parlement die spertyd vir die OSV se publieke deelname na 29 Februarie toe geskuif het. Dit was ‘n massiewe oorwinning in die stryd teen OSV en Nuus.News het ‘n groot rol in dit gespeel..As die regering net die PDP laat deurgaan het, dan kon die wetgewing ingestelgeword het sonder die nodige PDP. Maar dan sou dit amper onmoontlik gewees het om die Konstitusie Wetsverandering weer te verander en binne ‘n jaar, kon Suid Afrika se ekonomie gelyk het soos die van Zimbabwe. JOU persoonlike eiendom en bates sou niks werd gewees het nie. So Nuus.News het gedoen wat moontlik was om die OSV proses te stop, om die mense van SA in te lig oor die impak vna die OSV en om JOU belange te beskerm. Die effek was dat elke Suid Afrikaner se toekoms beskerm was deur ons 1 artikel wat die WAARHEID op die tafel gebring het.
OSV sal Suid-Afrika se ekonomie verwoes en Nuus.News het die publiek se oë oopgemaak hierteen. Die hoofstroom media, meesal grootliks beheer/beinvloed deur die staat het nie ‘n woord hieroor gesê nie.
So jy kan gerus wees dat Nuus.News die WAARHEID op die tafel gaan sit.
Met jou bydrae gaan die media huis van sterkte tot sterkte en kan ons elke hoek en draai van SA bereik en meer kwaliteit berigte die wêreld instuur – en JY, as ‘n finansiële ondersteuner, gaan ‘n andeel hê in die verandering van jou wêreld ten goede.
Nuus.News poog om 500,000 maandelikse besoekers teen die einde van 2020 na die website te trek. Tans (Februarie 2020) is dit omtrent 30,000-60,000 besoekers per maand.
Nuus.News is ‘n platform ook vir die Christelike Kerk in Suid Afrika om sy sê te sê. Die Kerk het hier die geleentheid om die wêreld se nuus oor te neem. Deel in die voorreg om Suid Afrika te bereik met Goeie Nuus wat so groot gaan word dat dit die hoofstroom media gaan oorweldig. Goeie Nuus gaan die nuus word wat mense eerder gaan wil lees as die negatiewe nuus wat tans Suid Afrika oorheers. Goeie Nuus gaan die “in ding” word. Jou kerk se finansiële, gebeds en werksmag bydraes aan Nuus.News gaan die kans gee om die hoofstroom media oor te neem. Kom ons vat hande en kom saam en verander die wêreld vir goed.
How to become a Nuus.News Partner
Who is a Nuus.News Partner?
A Nuus.News partner is someone that contributes financially on a monthly basis to the web page.
This is totally optional and non-obligatory arrangement you can do free-willingly to contribute towards covering the website’s costs as well as to grow the website.
The websites vision is to focus on Good News and to bring the public the true story, the truth, behind the story.
We are going to bring stories that the mainstream media will never tell you.
YOUR monthly contribution will ensure that we publish quality articles that will change the world.
To give you an example – our first article about the controversial Property Expropriation Without Compensation Bill was placed on 22 January 2020. The public did not know they had to participate in a Public Participation Process (PPP) regarding the EWC Bill. Nuus.News made them aware. Within 7 days we already had 50,000 people that had reacted to the article. Most people then went on to cast a vote about the EWC and that suddenly caused a social media sensation with several platforms running with the news.Even political parties suddenly woke up and reacted to it. The end of it was that there was such a public uproar that the Ad-hoc committee of the parlaiment postponed the deadline for the EWC PPP comments to 29 February 2020. This was a massive victory in the battle against EWC and Nuus.News played a major role in it. If government just closed the PPP and left it there, the Bill could have been passed through without meaningful PPP and then enacted. However it would be nearly impossible to reverse the Change to the Constitution and within a year, SA’s economy could have been a mirror of Zimbabwe’s. YOUR personal property and assets would have been worthless. Therefore Nuus.News did what it could to stop the process and inform the people of SA to take a stand against EWC, and so doing to protect YOUR interests. The effect was that every South African’s future was protected through our 1 article that brought the TRUTH to light.
EWC will destroy South Africa’s economy and Nuus.News opened the public’s eyes about it. The mainstream media, that is mainly owned/influenced by government did not mention a word on this.
So you can be rest assured that Nuus.News will place the TRUTH on the table.
With your contribution will the Nuus.News media house grow from strength to strength and reach every nook and cranny of SA bring more quality articles into the world- and YOU, as a financial supporter of Nuus.News will have a share in this change to the world that is for good.
Nuus.News aims to have 500,000 visitors per month coming to the website by the end of 2020. Currently we are averaging about 30,000-60,000 visitors per month.
Nuus.News is also a platform for the Christian Church in South Africa to have its say. The Church has the opportunity to take over the world’s news stage. Share in the privilege to reach South Africa with Good News that is going to grow so big, that it will completely take over the mainstream media. Good News is going to be the news that people will rather read than the negative news that is currently dominating South Africa. Good News will become the “in thing“. YOUR church’s financial, prayer and labour support will give Nuus.News the chance to take over the mainstream media. Let’s take hands and come along and change the world for good.