Christian Consensus Nuus.News


Voor die 2019 algemene verkiesing het die Christian Consensus begin om Suid-Afrikaanse Christene te verening rondom die Christen politieke partye wat vir die verkiesing gestaan het. Die Christen Consensus stel hulle ten doel om a groot ontwaking van Christene in Suid-Afrika te bewerkstellig en om die sentrale belang van die Woord van God in hierdie nasie te onderstreep. Die focus is op gebed en die uitleef van Byblese beginsels.

Gedurende die verkiesing was die focus om die algehele atmosfeer in die land te verander, ‘n bewustheid van God se teenwoordigheid te kweek en Sy doel met die land te bevorder sodat daar drastiese verandering kan kom na 08 Mei 2019.

Die Christen Consensus het ‘n 10-punt plan ontwikkel vir die land. Hierdie plan is gebasseer op die sieninge van 200 van Suid-Afrika se Christenleiers. Die punte is versprei deur WhatsApp en Facebook. Binne die eerste twee weke het 60,161 mense via WhatsApp, Facebook, of die Christen Consensus webblad geregistreer.

Die oorweldigende positiewe reaksie vroeg in 2019 het Christene van alle denominasies verenig en ‘n ontwaking van Christene in die nasie ingelui. Christene van alle vlakke van die gemeenskap het begin saamstaan om verandering in die land te bring. Op 27 April 2019 het duisende Christene deelgeneem aan landswye Jesus-optogte.

Na afloop van die verkiesing fokus Christian Consensus op ander sektore van die gemeenskap en dryf die aksie om ‘n Goddelike regering daar te stel. Christian Consensus word gelei deur Dr. André van Niekerk. Hy is ‘n ekonoom, skrywer en openebare spreker. Christian Consensus sien die politieke situasie in Suid-Afrika deur ‘n Christen oogpunt en spoor landsburgers aan om hulle Christenskap openlik te verklaar en uit te leef en deel te neem aan aktiwiteite wat hulle as ‘n Koningkryksnasie sal verening.

Christian Consensus is ‘n beweging wat bestaan uit Christene wat aksie neem om werklik die sout en lig in Suid-Afrika te wees. Christene word aangesppor om te verenig om hierdie land te transformeer volgens Koningkryksbeginsels. Deur hande te neem wil Christian Consensus Suid-Afrika positioner as ‘n Goddelike nasie wat alle eer aan God gee. Chrisian Consesus het ‘n oplossingsuigangspunt en fokus op beide praktiese en geestelike verandering. Dit is tyd vir die slapende reus wat die Kerk in Suid-Afrika is om te ontwaak!

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Before the 2019 general elections a group started campaigning for South African Christians to unite behind the Christian parties and to focus on Christian values in the nation. The Christian Consensus desires a Great Awakening of South Africa to honour the supremacy of the Word of God in this nation with an emphasis on prayer and following biblical principles.

During the election the focus was, “We need to change the whole atmosphere in the nation with an awareness of God’s presence, destiny and purposes so that drastic change come on and after 8 May.”

The Christian Consensus developed a 10-point plan for the country based on the views of 200 of South Africa’s Christian leaders. These points were spread using WhatsApp and Facebook. Within the first two weeks 60,161 people registered with the WhatsApp group, Facebook, or the Christian Consensus web page.

After the significant response to Christian Consensus early in 2019 united Christians from all denominations. This action heralded a Christian awakening among God’s people in the nation and brought together Christians from all races and walks of life to bring true change in the nation. On 27 April 2019, thousands of Christians participated in countrywide Jesus Marches.

After the election, which gave momentum to the organisation, Christian Consensus now focuses on other sectors of society and there is a drive to establish a righteous government. Christian Consensus is led by Dr. André van Niekerk, an economist, author and public speaker. Christian Consensus uses a Christian biblical lens to view the political situation and encourages citizens to openly profess their faith and to participate and unite as part of the Kingdom Nation.

Christian Consensus is a movement made up of Christians that works to take action to truly be the salt and light in South Africa. In this organisation, Christians are united and committed to transform the country in line with Kingdom principles. By taking hands, Christian Consensus wants to establish South Africa as a righteous nation that glorifies God. Christian Consensus has a solutions-mindset and focuses on both practical and spiritual change. It is time for the sleeping giant of the church in South Africa to awaken!

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Christian Consensus Nuus.News

1 Comment

  1. It’s time Christians take up their position. We can not fold our hands when evil is taking over our once beautiful nation. We really have to hold hands and brings back what we have lost.
    We have to remember this has gone past being a physical problem. We are facing something which is spiritual and we need to deal with it from the spiritual angle. # Life is spiritual.

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