YOU can make a difference.
Nuus.News will keep this article on our front page for half of our opening month, because this event can have such a huge impact on South Africa. We will do all we can, to make this news heard to you and as many others as possible. You will never find this on Mainstream Media.
Not sure if you know this, but actually the proposed amendment to the Constitution refers to expropriation of all property, not only land. You only have time till the end of January 2020 to say your say. The proposed legislation’s FINAL ROUND has been opened for public comment, something that very few South Africans know about. This is going to change the Constitution of South Africa radically, in the event that it is written into law. You can however cast your vote for, or against, the proposed legislation. Find out more, how you can influence South Africa’s future, here in the full in-depth article below. Take note however:
There is an error in the proposed process.The ANC wants to push the amendment through on a simple majority vote (51%) while it should be according to the Constitution a 75% majority vote (see the article).
Furthermore, you should know that if you do not vote or give comments, the ANC by law notes it that you are voting FOR the Expropriation Without Compensation Bill. Tell all your friends, family and colleagues about this.
Do your part and make it viral on social media (the links are provided in the article). Tell all your friends, family, colleagues to cast their votes BEFORE 31 January. Lets try to reach the 1 million votes target.
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EWC Bill - Comments
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2020
Nuus.News brings you all the news that the mainstream media will never share with you. Due to the nature of the importance of this in-depth article, it will be placed on the front page of Nuus.News until January 31st.
Government has opened the controversial Expropriation Without Compensation (EWC) Bill for public comment in December 2019 and the last date for public submissions regarding the Bill is 31 January 2020.
The Bill aims to amend the Constitution of South Africa and the very fabric on which South Africa is built. It aims to alter the very core of South Africa’s first and biggest economic pillar, the respect of individual owner’s property rights. This is the first rule of law that international trade investors look for before investing in a country. Government seek to change the Constitution to give the ANC as the ruling party (through a yet unclear court process), the ability to confiscate property (which includes any property, not just land) from owners without compensation. Basically following the blueprint of Zimbabwe as EFF envisions.
Incomprehensibly, the mainstream media has gone absolutely quiet on this subject in December and January, exactly when heated debates are expected about this subject. Is there something mainstream media bosses does not want the public to know? Very few South Africans seem to know that they can actually take action in this process before January 31st.
Good News
There is Good News in all of this: You can still make a difference. You can make your voice heard about EWC. You might have missed your opportunity to comment about the E-tolls (which still is an issue even today, 10 years later), so don’t miss this opportunity to comment on EWC. Last date of submission is 31 January 2020.
How can I participate in the law making process?
You can make an individual submission (that Parliament has to acknowledge) and the best of it all is it will only take less than 5 minutes of your time to make a difference. You can make a submission FOR or AGAINST the EWC Bill by clicking here. After voting, quickly spread the news on social media and let your friends vote too. You can also use the social media buttons on this page to quickly make an impact.
The platform given to make a submission in the public participation process of the EWC Bill is provided by the ‘Dear South Africa’ (DearSA) organisation and their website is found at www.dearsouthafrica.co.za
At the time of publishing DearSA has received over 90,000 comments in this final participation round – far below what is required in terms of meaningful public participation. With your help the target of 1 million votes can be reached within the next 10 days. Be quick and invite everyone you know to vote.
[UPDATE: 2020/1/27 Dear South Africa’s website now has 122,271 votes.
NEWS UPDATE: 2020/1/28 7pm Dear South Africa’s website now has 139,070 votes.
NEWS UPDATE: 2020/1/29 8am Dear South Africa’s website now has 143,987 votes.
NEWS UPDATE: 2020/1/31 3pm Dear South Africa’s website now has 168,124 votes.
NEWS UPDATE: 2020/2/9 8pm Dear South Africa’s website now has 175,130 votes.
It however is still far from 1 million votes. If everyone will just get at least 10 more friends/family to vote the impact will be much greater.]
Take a quick look at a few EWC votes and comments already received so far on the DearSA website
One can click here to see other people’s comments. Below please See 4 comments FOR and 4 comments AGAINST the EWC Bill, as quoted from the DearSA website.
For the Bill:
Ntiyiiso’s comment: Setting up conditions for compensation undermines the fact that the land has been acquired without fair and humane due consideration of the rightful owners. Any other adjustments to the conditions for compensation on a bill for expropriation without becomes nonsensical by reasons of self contradiction. Any other clauses and preconditions will unnecessarily delay the land transfer processes especially by tying up any efforts for transfer in lengthy and expensive court battles.
TAMSANQA JAMES’s comment: Land redress is important to SA, taking into consideration past injustice and not only that with the state as the Custodian it might increase investors confidence.
Babalwa’s comment: Black people MUST have their land back that was stolen by white thieves in 1652 and during apartheid particularly. No one worked hard to get that land from my people, it was all stolen!
Cynthia’s comment: I believe that the land expropriation must take place, myself and my entire family were forcefully removed from our home during the apartheid era. Compensation is a must.
Against the Bill:
Nastassia’s comment: How would claims be proven and distributed by the government? What will constitute as significant proof that the person has a claim. What will happen to the free market and buying property ‘in good faith’? What will the definition of property entail? There are too many variables and too many unanswered questions to go ahead with this.
Gillian’s comment: SA was lauded on its new constitution by the whole world. This attempt to change it is wide open to corruption and directly interferes with the rights of citizens. A total contradiction to the original intention of our constitution.
Louise’s comment: The lack of security in owning your property will lead to foreign investors being even more reluctant to invest in our country. We badly need foreign investors so we can grow the economy and help lift people out of poverty. Expropriation is putting a band aid on the open wound that is poverty in South Africa. It isn’t a long term fix for what is wrong. Efforts should be put into providing opportunities to become entrepreneurs and help develop skills. Handing out pieces of land does not equate to helping people uplift themselves.
Dianne’s comment: The Constitution protects the rights of ordinary citizens of this country and to change it in any way that brings with it a threat against those rights is not right. It will also affect our economy negatively as foreign investors won’t want to put money into a country that can expropriate said property. The Government already owns plenty of unused land and properties which, 25 years into the new dispensation, is still unused. There is land which has been reallocated which stands unused. Address those situations first.
Flaws in the current EWC Bill process:
Have a quick read through some extracts below from a recent Biznews.com article in which Paul Hoffman (a director for Accountability Now) explains that the method of voting EWC into law by the ANC is incorrect.
What he says in summary, is that the EWC bill in its current format will need a 75% vote in favour of passing the bill in order to change the Constitution, but the ANC and EFF wants to enact it into law by just a majority (51%) vote.
Accountability Now made the first submission to the parliamentary committee initially seized with the task of creating a constitutionally compliant amendment to the property clause in the Bill of Rights.
The full Biznews.com article can be found here, and summary details are extracted below in italics:
“The rule of law is regarded as sacrosanct in our Constitutional dispensation. This high status is also compliant with the internationally accepted definition of the rule of law which if parliament seeks to amend the Constitution in a way in which the rule of law is implicated, then it can only do so with a 75% majority, because the supremacy of the rule of law is foundational to our new order and is specially protected by section 74(1) (arguably even trumping dignity, promotion of equality and enjoyment of freedom because of its “supremacy”). The indignity of having one’s land expropriated, even with compensation, is well known in SA history.
The stratagem contemplated in the Bill is accordingly to give parliament the power, by a simple majority vote, to dilute the protection of land rights (including improvements thereon) which the Constitution affords the protection of a 75% majority vote. Attaining the special majority is necessary before any adjustments to the rule of law of the kind contemplated in the Bill can be made. Any purposive reading of sections 1(c), 7(2) and 25 of the Constitution, subject to the limitations set out in section 36, reveals that the rule of law is supreme in our dispensation, one which requires the state to “respect, protect, promote and fulfil” the right not to be deprived of property, except in terms of a law of general application, and then not arbitrarily so.
The stratagem proposed by the Committee is unconstitutional and invalid, will give rise to manifestly unjust laws and will end, at least in part, the protection of private property contained in section 25 of the Bill of Rights insofar as land and improvements to land are concerned.
The procedure proposed by the Committee is accordingly “conduct inconsistent with the Constitution” and is invalid as set out in section 2 of the Constitution.
In the current parliament, those parties which favour the idea of confiscating land and improvements thereon, including the EFF, which would nationalise all land if it could, do not command a 75% majority, which means that the Bill, in its current configuration, is bound to be stillborn for want of the necessary 75% majority.
The issues of food security and of not damaging the economy, so prominent in the 2017 Nasrec debate of the ANC, do not appear to have been considered properly or at all by the Committee and are not addressed in any way in Dr Motshekga’s statement of 6 December 2019.
No prudent new investor will risk having land and improvements on land expropriated without compensation. Without new investments the perennial lack of jobs in SA’s economy will be exacerbated.”
Clearly, it will be extremely difficult to get a 75% majority vote on such a contentious issue, and it could be the reason that a 51% majority vote only, is proposed by the ANC to change the Constitution. Therefore every voter will need to be hands on during the voting process to see either the proposed change to the Constitution, in its current format, pass or fail.
More about the EWC Public Participation Process-
Government assumes you are voting "FOR" EWC except you do this:
It is amazing to see the SA Government is asking for public participation on the biggest law changing event in democratic SA’s history during the months of December and January when the public and economically active taxpayers are on extended periods of holidays and economic participation is at its lowest.
The action clearly is discouraging public participation. The decision makers clearly know that the bigger the public participation, the more likely it will be that the EWC Bill will not just pass through without changes, but reconsidered to accommodate public input. So one ask the question whether the Bill reflects the view of the public or the view of the politicians rushing this Bill through Parliament?
While it looks futile at first glance, your input can however make a difference. The more public participation there is, the lesser chance there is that any legislation just pass the lawmaker’s entry into law without proper scrutiny. Quoting Dear South Africa it is clear: “Every decision the government make must be published in the Government Gazette and must include evidence of public participation.
If the public do not participate by objecting or agreeing, their non-participation is deemed as a non-objection, a tacit agreement.”
This is the reason why there is a public participation process. Dear South Africa is an organization established to help the public to have a say in the formation of legislation. It created a platform of awareness for the general public to be aware if and when, there are public participation processes opened so that the South African public can make a vote either for, or against, the proposed laws and make a submission towards the process. It gives the public awareness and a platform to comment on all new legislative publications before they are enacted into law.
Dear South Africa says: “What we run on our websites are not petitions but rather PPP – Public Participation Processes – as laid out in the PAJA act. Whereas petitions, even if they have millions of signatures, are considered as a single objection, a PPP done through our interface ensures each comment is considered individually. Each comment from a PPP on any of our websites is immediately sent as a unique email to the relevant government representative designated to a project. We then keep an accurate record of submissions sent so government cannot deny facts and figures. In certain instances we will also provide government with printed evidence of each comment made as well as a collated summary. These comments then form the basis of an essential and legal framework enshrined in our Constitution and forms a solid foundation for a legal case should the necessity arise. By law, the government must individually acknowledge and consider each public comment sent through our system. Most importantly, the law enables participants (or organisations acting on behalf of) to question the outcome or final decision — the higher the public participation, the stronger the mandate. Your participation is essential to create meaningful impact.”
So go onto the www.dearsouthafrica.co.za website and place your vote on the proposed Expropriation Without Compensation Bill right now.
Why your participation in this process is crucial – from a physical realm perspective
The old adage holds true- that if good men will do nothing, evil will prevail. Anything that is left unmanaged, it automatically reverts back to chaos, the second law of thermodynamics physics teaches us. So it’s vitally important that each South African partakes in this future altering process to ensure proper management of the process takes place to the maximum benefit of the people of South Africa.
Why your participation in this process is crucial – from a spiritual perspective
From a spiritual perspective the spiritual implication is also, that you should make a vote, either for, or against the proposed legislation. You should make the announcement with your mouth, speaking your spiritual conviction and then put a physical action to your conviction to make the action complete and effective in the physical realm.
If you don’t do it, you should know that spiritually you voted for the event, and when it happens, you can’t then complain about the outcome, since your silent vote was recorded as for the approval of the act, spiritually speaking. If you don’t participate and cast your vote, you by implication say you want the EWC bill in its current format approved.
Spiritually speaking, the perfect example in this regards was Jesus. Because He did not oppose His own crucifixion, He was subsequently crucified. If He had taken action, spoken out and opposed it openly at the time of His trial, He could have stopped it since He had access to all God’s warfare Power that would be enough to stop His dying on the cross: “Matthew 26:53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” So taking action spiritually and then making it an action in the physical is necessary to make a spiritual action complete.
But regarding the spirit realm there is a difference in the way each vote is cast compared to the physical realm. Where opposition in the physical realm may be ruled by numbers of crosses on ballot papers, in the spirit realm, spiritual authorities rule by spiritual ranking and strength of their spiritual altars. That means that one person who has a great spiritual altar can influence the physical realm so much, that the physical realm complies to their desire, no matter the amount of votes on paper against them- something will happen to cancel the effect of those votes sooner or later. See the example of Jesus again: because of His high spiritual rank, Jesus could ask God for legions of angels, while His disciples could not. So your spiritual authority counts more than your paper ballot. If you have a strong spiritual standing – make your vote count!
Anything can be changed from the spirit realm and yet again, that is where the prayer of the church can have the biggest influence. If South Africans can continue forming serious committed prayer groups, their spiritual voice can change the things in the physical realm. “2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Note the focus is not on the opposition that is destroying the health of God’s people, the focus is on God’s people. If God’s people will change their ways towards God, their land will be healed, irrespective the destructive forces coming against their land. If the church will stand up regarding EWC, the right solution will be found. Something that will benefit the people that were afflicted by past injustices and at the same time not destroy the whole country in the process.
Nuus.News EWC Question
Nuus.News asks the question: In the light of EWC, has any census been done to see who needs to be compensated for land that was expropriated? Surely this was already done with the land redistribution platform put in place after 1994. How many people of that list have not been compensated? How many of those people have benefited from free RDP houses? Probably a quantum should be established to determine the reach of uncompensated South Africans first.
Otherwise, how is Government going to establish when to stop EWC? Once it is free for all, everyone would want to grab and new claimants will pop up every day, ongoing perpetually, whether they have a proven claim or not. If you listen to the talk in the streets, suddenly every single person in SA was affected by EWC and now needs to get land for free. Government will have a hard time to stop the masses from grabbing land once they see their neighbour getting land for free. See Zimbabwe how the masses started looting and grabbing and Government could not control it but now had to condone it to stay in power.
If you have an idea if this assessment has been done, please send us a comment below.
My land was leagely bought by me and the deed registered in my name. It is there mine and can’t be take away from me.