Californian Pastors will reopen churches despite anti church laws

Goeie Nuus! Jou Vas en Bid is aan die werk! In Amerika is daar ‘n vloedgolf van proteste teen die lockdowns wat die ekonomië van die wêreld lamgelê het. Pastore in Californië het nou hulle teen Governor Newsom verset en gesê dat hulle nou kerke oop, met of of sonder die regering se toestemming. Die lockdown het die Amerikaanse ekonomie verwoes met valse modelle van corona verskaf deur die WHO.

Good News! Your Prayer and Fasting is working! There is a flood wave of protest starting in America against the lockdowns that have crippled the economies of the world. Pastors in California have informed Governor Newsom that they will open their churches from May 31 with or without the governments approval. The lockdown has destroyed America’s economy with fals models of cornona as provided by the WHO.

Honderde Pastor in Californië staan saam om kerke oop te maak 31 Mei, met of sonder die regering.

Oorspronklik op CBN News gepubliseer:

Bykans 500 pastore in Kalifornië berei hul voor om hul deure op Sondag 31 Mei oop te maak – of hulle nou leiding van die staat het of nie.

“Die kerke vra nie toestemming nie,” het Bob Tyler, ‘n prokureur vir godsdiensvryheid, gesê. ‘Die goewerneur sit hier as ‘n diktator, hy troef die Grondwet en hou aan hierdie noodtoestand vas vir solank hy dit kan hou.’

Tyler sê die predikante, insluitende Jack Hibbs van die Golgota-kapel in Chino Hills, Matt Brown van Sandals Church in Riverside, en Danny Carroll van die Water of Life Community Church in Fontana, het ‘n petisie onderteken en beplan om Gavin Newsom van hul planne in kennis te stel, wat sosiale distansiëring insluit.

“Ons sal die goewerneur die geleentheid gee om sy bevel te wysig,” het Tyler gesê. ‘As hy dit nie doen nie, het hierdie predikante my gesê dat hulle daartoe verbind is om oop te maak, ongeag wat die goewerneur besluit.’

Op die oomblik het Newsom kerke herlei na fase 3 van die staat se heropeningsplan, wat weke of maande van nou af kan wees.

Newsom laat vandag toe dat werksplekke soos klerewinkels, bloemiste en sportwinkels in die tweede fase van sy plan oopgemaak word.

Hy word versterk deur die beslissing van ‘n federale regter hierdie week in Sacramento. Regter John Mendez het beslis dat Newsom die reg het om kerklike byeenkomste tydelik te verbied ter wille van openbare gesondheid.

Maar die pastore in Kalifornië voer aan dat daar redes vir openbare gesondheid is om kerke te heropen.

Pastoor Brown sê sy kerk het duisende van sy lidmate gekontak en gevind dat baie sukkel. “Ons het allerhande emosionele probleme wat aan die gang is. Ons het huweliksprobleme in ons kerk. Ons sien ‘n styging in depressie, selfmoord, dwelmverslawing,” het hy gesê in ‘n video wat op die kerkwebwerf geplaas is.

Dr. John Jackson, die president van die William Jessup-universiteit, ‘n Christelike kollege buite Sacramento, sê mense van geloof het nou ‘n menslike band nodig. ‘Die teenwoordigheid van God maak saak, maar menslike kontak maak ook saak’, het hy gesê. ‘Ek hou van tegnologie, maar dit is nie ‘n plaasvervanger vir fisieke teenwoordigheid nie, en ek dink ons kan dit doen met sosiale afstand.’

Jackson het gesê hy stem nie saam met regerings wat ondernemings voor kerke prioritiseer nie. ‘Ek vind dit baie onvanpas dat ek na die kruidenierswinkel kan gaan en brood kan koop en by alle ander soorte mense kan wees. Ek kan na die ysterwarewinkel gaan en my voorrade vir huisonderhoud kry, maar ek kan nie na ‘n kerk toe gaan nie, ”het hy gesê.

Regter Mendez het in sy uitspraak die idee geweier en gesê dat ‘n koper wat na ‘n onderneming gaan om ‘n spesifieke item te koop, anders is as kerkgangers wat saamspan.

Russell Moore, die president van die Southern Baptists ‘Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, sê hy is bly om te sien dat die meeste kerke landwyd tydens die krisis aan die leiding van openbare gesondheid voldoen het.

“Ek dink dit is die ware verhaal hier dat dit goed gegaan het met gemeentes en regerings,” het hy aan CBN News gesê.

Hy het kerke aangemoedig om saam met hul plaaslike gesondheidsowerhede saam te werk om besluite oor die heropening te neem.

Maar hy het ook gewaarsku dat die regering kerke as noodsaaklik moet beskou. ‘Ek dink nie dat kerke anders behandel moet word nie, omdat dit kerke is nie,’ het hy gesê. “Die probleem is veiligheid wees, en daarom het jy sekere areas waar kerke in ‘n ander kategorie geplaas is, wat kerke as minder noodsaaklik beskou as ander maniere om bymekaar te kom [soos om in ‘n supermark saam te drom]. Ek dink dit is ‘n werklike fout.”

Tyler sê die meeste kerke in Kalifornië wat op 31 Mei heropen, sal 25 of 30 persent kapasiteit toelaat. Sommige mense, volgens hom, mag ‘n reserveringstelsel gebruik en as een diens opvul, sal hulle ‘n ander een byvoeg.

Pastoor Hibbs het aan CBN News gesê hy wil Romeine 13 volg en die regering gehoorsaam. ‘Ek wil nie ons getuienis blaas nie,’ het hy gesê.

Maar hy is gretig om mense bymekaar te bring vir aanbidding en om persoonlik siekes en sterwendes te bedien. Hy is ook bedag daarop dat staats- en plaaslike regerings in die herfs ‘n nuwe ronde beperkings kan instel.

“Ons moet uitklim en ons wêreld terugkry voordat die volgende griepseisoen volgende winter begin,” het hy gesê.

Pastoor Sam Rodriguez, Sacramento, een van die president se naaste geloofsadviseurs, beplan ook om sy kerk in die komende weke te heropen. Hy het verlede Sondag in daardie rigting begin en op die parkeerterrein van sy kerkkampus gepreek vir gemeentelede wat in hul motors geparkeer was.

Die vraag is: Wanneer gaan Pastore in Suid Afrika ook saamstaan teen die drakoniese wette van die regering rondom Corona? Hoe lank nog gaan die regering toegelaat word om die Handves van menseregte te verontagsaam? Wat is veiliger: om kerk toe te gaan of om in ‘n publieke supermark in te gaan waar duisende mense van die straat af elke dag inloop, sommige sonder enige vorm van sanitasie? Teken die Artikel 31 petisie van die Kerk.

Hundreds of Californian Pastors join forces together to open churches on 31 May, with or without government.

Originally published on CBN News:

Nearly 500 California pastors are preparing to open their doors on Sunday, May 31st – whether or not they have guidance from the state. 

“The churches are not asking for permission,” said Bob Tyler, a religious freedom attorney advising the pastors. “The governor is sitting here as a dictator, trumping the Constitution and is kind of hanging on to this state of emergency for as long as he can hold it.”

Tyler says the pastors, including Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, Matt Brown of Sandals Church in Riverside, and Danny Carroll of Water of Life Community Church in Fontana, have signed a petition and plan to advise Gov. Gavin Newsom of their plans which include social distancing.

“We’ll give the governor an opportunity to amend his order,” said Tyler. “If he doesn’t, these pastors have told me that they’re committed to opening regardless of what the governor decides.”

Right now, Newsom has relegated churches to stage 3 of the state’s re-opening plan, which could be weeks or months from now.

Starting today, Newsom is allowing the opening of “lower risk” workplaces like clothing stores, florists, and sporting goods stores under stage 2 of his plan.

He’s bolstered by a federal judge’s decision in Sacramento this week. Judge John Mendez ruled that Newsom has the right to temporarily ban church gatherings for the sake of public health.

But the California pastors are arguing that there’s public health reasons for reopening churches.

Pastor Brown says his church has called thousands of its attendees and found that many are struggling. “We have all kinds of emotional issues that are going on. We have marital issues in our church. We’re seeing a spike in depression, suicide, drug addiction,” he said in a video posted on the church website.

Dr. John Jackson, the president of William Jessup University, a Christian college outside of Sacramento, says people of faith need a human connection right now. “The presence of God matters, but touch matters,” he said. “I love technology but it is not a replacement for physical presence and I think we can do so with social distancing.”

Jackson said he disagrees with governments prioritizing businesses before churches. “I find it very inappropriate that I can go to the grocery store and buy a loaf of bread and be with all other kinds of people. I can go to the hardware store and get my supplies for my home maintenance but I cannot go to a church,” he said.

Judge Mendez pushed back against that idea in his ruling, saying that shoppers going to a business to buy a specific item is different from churchgoers communing together.

Dr. Russell Moore, the president of the Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, says he’s been pleased to see that most churches nationwide have complied with public health guidance during the crisis. 

“I think that’s the real story here is how well congregations and governments have been working together so far,” he told CBN News. 

He encouraged churches to work with their local health authorities to make decisions about reopening.

But he also warned that government must view churches as essential. “I don’t think that churches should be treated differently because they’re churches,” he said. “The issue has to be safety and so you have some areas where churches are treated in a different category that sees churches as less essential than other means of gathering. I think that’s a real mistake.”

Tyler says most of the California churches that reopen May 31st will allow 25 or 30 percent capacity. Some, he says, may use a reservation system and when one service fills up they will add another.

Pastor Hibbs told CBN News that he wants to follow Romans 13 and obey the government. “I don’t want to blow our witness,” he said.

But he’s eager to gather people for worship and be able to minister in person to the sick and dying. He’s also mindful that state and local governments may impose a new round of restrictions in the fall.

“We’ve got to get out and get our world back before the next flu season starts next winter,” he said.

Sacramento pastor Sam Rodriguez, one of the president’s closest faith advisors, also plans to reopen his church in the coming weeks. He started in that direction last Sunday, preaching in the parking lot of his church campus to parishioners parked in their cars.

The question is: When are the Pastors in South Africa also stand together against the draconian laws of the government regarding corona? How long will the government be allowed to blatantly defy the human bill of rights? How long do they want to destroy the economy? What is safer: to go to church or to go to a public supermarket where thousands of people come in from the streets, some without any form of sanitation?

Oorspronklik op CBN News gepubliseer:

Bykans 500 pastore in Kalifornië berei hul voor om hul deure op Sondag 31 Mei oop te maak – of hulle nou leiding van die staat het of nie.

“Die kerke vra nie toestemming nie,” het Bob Tyler, ‘n prokureur vir godsdiensvryheid, gesê. ‘Die goewerneur sit hier as ‘n diktator, hy troef die Grondwet en hou aan hierdie noodtoestand vas vir solank hy dit kan hou.’

Tyler sê die predikante, insluitende Jack Hibbs van die Golgota-kapel in Chino Hills, Matt Brown van Sandals Church in Riverside, en Danny Carroll van die Water of Life Community Church in Fontana, het ‘n petisie onderteken en beplan om Gavin Newsom van hul planne in kennis te stel, wat sosiale distansiëring insluit.

“Ons sal die goewerneur die geleentheid gee om sy bevel te wysig,” het Tyler gesê. ‘As hy dit nie doen nie, het hierdie predikante my gesê dat hulle daartoe verbind is om oop te maak, ongeag wat die goewerneur besluit.’

Op die oomblik het Newsom kerke herlei na fase 3 van die staat se heropeningsplan, wat weke of maande van nou af kan wees.

Newsom laat vandag toe dat werksplekke soos klerewinkels, bloemiste en sportwinkels in die tweede fase van sy plan oopgemaak word.

Hy word versterk deur die beslissing van ‘n federale regter hierdie week in Sacramento. Regter John Mendez het beslis dat Newsom die reg het om kerklike byeenkomste tydelik te verbied ter wille van openbare gesondheid.

Maar die pastore in Kalifornië voer aan dat daar redes vir openbare gesondheid is om kerke te heropen.

Pastoor Brown sê sy kerk het duisende van sy lidmate gekontak en gevind dat baie sukkel. “Ons het allerhande emosionele probleme wat aan die gang is. Ons het huweliksprobleme in ons kerk. Ons sien ‘n styging in depressie, selfmoord, dwelmverslawing,” het hy gesê in ‘n video wat op die kerkwebwerf geplaas is.

Dr. John Jackson, die president van die William Jessup-universiteit, ‘n Christelike kollege buite Sacramento, sê mense van geloof het nou ‘n menslike band nodig. ‘Die teenwoordigheid van God maak saak, maar menslike kontak maak ook saak’, het hy gesê. ‘Ek hou van tegnologie, maar dit is nie ‘n plaasvervanger vir fisieke teenwoordigheid nie, en ek dink ons kan dit doen met sosiale afstand.’

Jackson het gesê hy stem nie saam met regerings wat ondernemings voor kerke prioritiseer nie. ‘Ek vind dit baie onvanpas dat ek na die kruidenierswinkel kan gaan en brood kan koop en by alle ander soorte mense kan wees. Ek kan na die ysterwarewinkel gaan en my voorrade vir huisonderhoud kry, maar ek kan nie na ‘n kerk toe gaan nie, ”het hy gesê.

Regter Mendez het in sy uitspraak die idee geweier en gesê dat ‘n koper wat na ‘n onderneming gaan om ‘n spesifieke item te koop, anders is as kerkgangers wat saamspan.

Russell Moore, die president van die Southern Baptists ‘Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, sê hy is bly om te sien dat die meeste kerke landwyd tydens die krisis aan die leiding van openbare gesondheid voldoen het.

“Ek dink dit is die ware verhaal hier dat dit goed gegaan het met gemeentes en regerings,” het hy aan CBN News gesê.

Hy het kerke aangemoedig om saam met hul plaaslike gesondheidsowerhede saam te werk om besluite oor die heropening te neem.

Maar hy het ook gewaarsku dat die regering kerke as noodsaaklik moet beskou. ‘Ek dink nie dat kerke anders behandel moet word nie, omdat dit kerke is nie,’ het hy gesê. “Die probleem is veiligheid wees, en daarom het jy sekere areas waar kerke in ‘n ander kategorie geplaas is, wat kerke as minder noodsaaklik beskou as ander maniere om bymekaar te kom [soos om in ‘n supermark saam te drom]. Ek dink dit is ‘n werklike fout.”

Tyler sê die meeste kerke in Kalifornië wat op 31 Mei heropen, sal 25 of 30 persent kapasiteit toelaat. Sommige mense, volgens hom, mag ‘n reserveringstelsel gebruik en as een diens opvul, sal hulle ‘n ander een byvoeg.

Pastoor Hibbs het aan CBN News gesê hy wil Romeine 13 volg en die regering gehoorsaam. ‘Ek wil nie ons getuienis blaas nie,’ het hy gesê.

Maar hy is gretig om mense bymekaar te bring vir aanbidding en om persoonlik siekes en sterwendes te bedien. Hy is ook bedag daarop dat staats- en plaaslike regerings in die herfs ‘n nuwe ronde beperkings kan instel.

“Ons moet uitklim en ons wêreld terugkry voordat die volgende griepseisoen volgende winter begin,” het hy gesê.

Pastoor Sam Rodriguez, Sacramento, een van die president se naaste geloofsadviseurs, beplan ook om sy kerk in die komende weke te heropen. Hy het verlede Sondag in daardie rigting begin en op die parkeerterrein van sy kerkkampus gepreek vir gemeentelede wat in hul motors geparkeer was.

Die vraag is: Wanneer gaan Pastore in Suid Afrika ook saamstaan teen die drakoniese wette van die regering rondom Corona? Hoe lank nog gaan die regering toegelaat word om die Handves van menseregte te verontagsaam? Wat is veiliger: om kerk toe te gaan of om in ‘n publieke supermark in te gaan waar duisende mense van die straat af elke dag inloop, sommige sonder enige vorm van sanitasie? Teken die Artikel 31 petisie van die Kerk.

Originally published on CBN News:

Nearly 500 California pastors are preparing to open their doors on Sunday, May 31st – whether or not they have guidance from the state. 

“The churches are not asking for permission,” said Bob Tyler, a religious freedom attorney advising the pastors. “The governor is sitting here as a dictator, trumping the Constitution and is kind of hanging on to this state of emergency for as long as he can hold it.”

Tyler says the pastors, including Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, Matt Brown of Sandals Church in Riverside, and Danny Carroll of Water of Life Community Church in Fontana, have signed a petition and plan to advise Gov. Gavin Newsom of their plans which include social distancing.

“We’ll give the governor an opportunity to amend his order,” said Tyler. “If he doesn’t, these pastors have told me that they’re committed to opening regardless of what the governor decides.”

Right now, Newsom has relegated churches to stage 3 of the state’s re-opening plan, which could be weeks or months from now.

Starting today, Newsom is allowing the opening of “lower risk” workplaces like clothing stores, florists, and sporting goods stores under stage 2 of his plan.

He’s bolstered by a federal judge’s decision in Sacramento this week. Judge John Mendez ruled that Newsom has the right to temporarily ban church gatherings for the sake of public health.

But the California pastors are arguing that there’s public health reasons for reopening churches.

Pastor Brown says his church has called thousands of its attendees and found that many are struggling. “We have all kinds of emotional issues that are going on. We have marital issues in our church. We’re seeing a spike in depression, suicide, drug addiction,” he said in a video posted on the church website.

Dr. John Jackson, the president of William Jessup University, a Christian college outside of Sacramento, says people of faith need a human connection right now. “The presence of God matters, but touch matters,” he said. “I love technology but it is not a replacement for physical presence and I think we can do so with social distancing.”

Jackson said he disagrees with governments prioritizing businesses before churches. “I find it very inappropriate that I can go to the grocery store and buy a loaf of bread and be with all other kinds of people. I can go to the hardware store and get my supplies for my home maintenance but I cannot go to a church,” he said.

Judge Mendez pushed back against that idea in his ruling, saying that shoppers going to a business to buy a specific item is different from churchgoers communing together.

Dr. Russell Moore, the president of the Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, says he’s been pleased to see that most churches nationwide have complied with public health guidance during the crisis. 

“I think that’s the real story here is how well congregations and governments have been working together so far,” he told CBN News. 

He encouraged churches to work with their local health authorities to make decisions about reopening.

But he also warned that government must view churches as essential. “I don’t think that churches should be treated differently because they’re churches,” he said. “The issue has to be safety and so you have some areas where churches are treated in a different category that sees churches as less essential than other means of gathering. I think that’s a real mistake.”

Tyler says most of the California churches that reopen May 31st will allow 25 or 30 percent capacity. Some, he says, may use a reservation system and when one service fills up they will add another.

Pastor Hibbs told CBN News that he wants to follow Romans 13 and obey the government. “I don’t want to blow our witness,” he said.

But he’s eager to gather people for worship and be able to minister in person to the sick and dying. He’s also mindful that state and local governments may impose a new round of restrictions in the fall.

“We’ve got to get out and get our world back before the next flu season starts next winter,” he said.

Sacramento pastor Sam Rodriguez, one of the president’s closest faith advisors, also plans to reopen his church in the coming weeks. He started in that direction last Sunday, preaching in the parking lot of his church campus to parishioners parked in their cars.

The question is: When are the Pastors in South Africa also stand together against the draconian laws of the government regarding corona? How long will the government be allowed to blatantly defy the human bill of rights? How long do they want to destroy the economy? What is safer: to go to church or to go to a public supermarket where thousands of people come in from the streets, some without any form of sanitation?

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