Gee jou volle aandag aan hierdie sake. Werp jouself in jou werksaamhede sodat almal jou vordering kan sien (1 Timoteus 4:15)
Dis wonderlik om van ’n siekte genees te word, maar wat van nooit siek word nie? Dit is sekerlik heerlik en dit is die lewe wat Jesus gebring het; ’n lewe van goddelike gesondheid. Goddelike gesondheid is nie ’n belofte vir die Christen nie; dit was deel van die verlossingspakkie. Dis deel van die resultaat en impak van die ewige lewe in jou. Die Bybel sê: “En dit is die inhoud van sy getuienis: God het aan ons die ewige lewe gegee, en dié lewe bestaan in ’n hegte verhouding met sy Seun” (1 Johannes 5:11).
Jy het die ewige lewe, want jy is wedergebore en die ewige lewe het nie genesing nodig nie. Daarom maak dit nie saak wat jou liggaam aanval nie; as jy die lewe van God in jou gees sou opwek, sal jou hele liggaam verlewendig word. Die Bybel sê: “Omdat die Gees van die God wat Jesus uit die dood opgewek het in julle woon (en Hy woon in jou), sal Hy wat Christus uit die dood opgewek het, ook julle dooie liggame weer lewendig maak deur dieselfde Gees wat in julle woon” (Romeine 8:11). Halleluja! Christus in jou—die Heilige Gees in jou—gee lewe!
Die Bybel sê dat jy na die tweede Adam aard en Hy is ’n gees wat lewe gee. Jy moet leer om hierdie lewe wat in jou is aan te skakel deur jou aandag daarop te fokus. Jy moet bewus wees van daardie lewe en dit uitoefen deur aan te dring op die Woord, met vrymoedigheid te beaam dat die goddelike lewe jou menslike lewe wat jy by jou ouers gekry het, vervang het. Sê elke nou en dan: “Die ewige lewe werk in my; elke deel van wese is vol van God se lewe.”
Die uitdrukking: “Gee jou volle aandag aan” in ons temavers is in Grieks: Meletao, wat ook beteken “om te beoefen.” Die gevolg is dat jou vordering en sukses onvermydelik en onbetwisbaar sal wees. Wanneer jy siektesimptome in jou liggaam voel is dit ’n leuen; dryf hulle met die Woord uit. Moet nooit toegee aan die wêreld se beginsels—die afbrekende krag van hierdie donker wêreld—nie. Moenie wag tot die moeilikheid kom voordat jy die Woord beaam nie.
Ek is van die God-soort en het God se onvernietigbare lewe in my! Ek leef in die Christus-omgewing waar goddelikheid regeer; die goddelike lewe werk in elke sel van my liggaam, want ek kom uit God; gebore uit Hom. Prys die Here!
Hebreërs 4:12; Jesaja 33:24; 1 Johannes 5:11-13
Matthéüs 3 & Génesis 6-8
Handelinge 6:9-15 & Nehemia 6
Word deel van die wëreld se grootste evangelisasie netwerk:
Ondersteun heelhartig die grootste daaglikse dagstukkie in die wêreld. Word deel van die verspreidingsnetwerk van die grootste evangelisasie beweging in die wêreld saam met Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Die Rhapsody word maandeliks versprei en maandeliks vertaal in meer as 1,000 tale! Sedert die stigting van die Rhapsody of Realities dagstukkie is reeds meer as 1,000,000,000 (ja jy het reg gelees: 1 BILJOEN) in beide gedrukte en digitale kopieë versprei! Min mense in Suid Afrika weet dit – versprei die woord! Die Rhapsody word tans versprei in elke bekende gebied van die wêreld. Kom vat hande en word deel van die wêreld-wye beweging!
Wie kan baatvind met die Rhapsody?
- Enigiemand. Indien jy net die wêreld se grootste dagstukkie wil geniet en dieselfde gebed hardop bid met miljoene Christene reg oor die wêreld in eenheid van gees, is jy welkom om die Rhapsody te kry vir jouself.
- Die gedrukte Rhapsody is egter ‘n fantastiese evangelisasie instrument en geselskap-aanknoper wat jy jouself (of groot evangelisasie groepe) kan gebruik om ander meer effektief te bereik.
- The Rhapsody is ook ‘n wonderlike aanwins vir Pastore van kerke wat nie hulle eie dagstukkie publikasie het nie, maar tog wil hê dat hulle kerk een moet hê om die gemeente te groei tot geestelike volwassenheid. Die Rhapsody is propvol inhoud en idees vir preke.
- Verder, kan jy dalk nie self na ‘n ver-afgeleë land gaan om mense daar met die Goeie Evangelie te bereik nie. Jy kan nou egter ‘n vennoot word van Rhapsody of Realities en gedrukte dagstukkie uitgawes stuur na enige land wat jy verkies. Iemand sal dit daar namens jou versprei en dis die ideale manier om die nasies te bereik, selfs van die huis af.
Raak betrokke en kry jou persoonlike kopie van die Rhapsody by:
Hab 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15)
It’s wonderful to be healed from any sickness or disease, but how about never being sick? That’s surely more sublime, and that’s the life Jesus brought; a life of divine health. Divine health for the Christian isn’t a promise; it came in the salvation package. It’s part of the result and impact of eternal life in you. The Bible says, “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son” (1 John 5:11).
Being born again, you have eternal life, and eternal life doesn’t require healing. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what attacks your body; if you’d stir up the life of God in your spirit, your whole body will be vitalized. The Bible says, “…if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you” (Romans 8:11). Hallelujah! Christ in you—the Holy Spirit in you—is life-generating!
The Bible says you were born after the second Adam, who is a life-giving Spirit. What you need is to learn to activate this life from within you, through meditation. You have to consciously practise that life, by insisting on the Word, affirming boldly that the divine life has supplanted the human life of which you were born of your earthly parents. Every so often, say, “Eternal life is at work in me; every facet of my being is inundated with the life of God.”
The expression, “Meditate upon” in our theme verse, is Greek, “Meletao,” also meaning “to practise.” The result is that your progress and success will be undeniable and inevitable. When you feel symptoms of sickness in your body, it’s a mirage; refute them with the Word. Never succumb to the rudiments of this world; the corrupting forces of this present world of darkness. And don’t wait until there’s a challenge to affirm the Word.
I’m an associate of the God-kind, with the indestructible life of God in me! I live in the Christenvironment, where divinity reigns; the divine life is operational in every fibre of my being, for I hail from God; born of Him. Praise God!
Hebrews 4:12; Isaiah 33:24; 1 John 5:11-13
Matthew 3 & Genesis 6-8
Acts 6:9-15 & Nehemiah 6
Become part of the world’s biggest evangelism network:
Start supporting the world’s biggest daily devotional. Become a partner of the distribution network of one of the biggest evangelism movements on earth today with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. The Rhapsody is printed and distributed monthly and is translated monthly in more than 1,000 languages! Since the inception of the devotional has more than 1,000,000,000 (yes: you have read right: 1 BILLION) copies printed and digital, been distributed! Few people in South Africa know it – spread the word! The Rhapsody is currently being distributed in every known territory known to man. Be part of the world wide movement!
Who can benefit from the Rhapsody?
- Anyone really. If you just want to enjoy the world’s biggest daily devotional and pray the same prayer out loud with millions of Christians all over the world in unity of spirit, you are welcome to get the Rhapsody for yourself.
- However the printed Rhapsody is a great evangelism tool and also a conversation starter that can help yourself (as well as big evangelism groups) to reach other people more effectively.
- The Rhapsody is great for Pastors of churches that don’t have their own daily devotional but want their church to have one and build the church to maturity. As proven over many years, used by Pastors and leaders all over the world, the Rhapsody is always full of rich content and ideas for any sermon.
- Furthermore, you might not be able to go to a far away foreign country yourself in order to reach people with the Gospel. You can now however partner with Rhapsody of Realities and send devotionals to any country in the world you choose. Someone will distribute it there on your behalf and its an ideal way to reach the nations, even from home.
Get involved and get your personal copy of the Rhapsody at:
Hab 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
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Glory to God!. I a’m an associate of the God-kind, with the indestructible life of God in me!