Laat julle gedagtes beheer word deur die hemelse dinge, nie deur dinge op die aarde nie (Kolossense 3:2).
Die woord “gedagtes” is vertaal uit die Griekse woord ‘froneo’. Dit beteken dat jy jou gedagtes of denke bepaal. Dit is iets wat jou gemoed doen; hoe jou kop werk. Dit kom van twee woorde; een wat beteken “Om intoom te hou”, soos om te sê: “Ek moet hierdie man intoom hou”; dit wil sê, hom onder beheer bring. Die tweede woord beteken: “Om af te baken of te omhein.”
Dus beteken die vermaning om jou gedagtes te beheer om beheer te hê oor en doelbewus jou denke op geestelike dinge in te stel. Onthou, dit waaraan jy dink is dit wat jou optrede sal beheer.
Jy het byvoorbeeld geworstel met sekere gewoontes; gewoontes wat die manier hoe jy die Here dien en leef beïnvloed en jou effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid verminder. Jy het miskien daaroor gebid en dit lyk of niks verander het nie. Dit gaan nie soseer oor gebed as oor die gebruik van jou gedagtes nie! Jou gemoed is ’n baie kragtige masjien; jy kan dit draai of beheer nes jy wil. Dus moet jy heel eerste doelbewus weier om te dink aan goed wat jy weet nie gesond is nie en jou gedagtes op die Woord fokus.
Oefen om die regte gedagtes te dink deur bewus te raak van jou denke. As enige ongesonde gedagte, om watter rede ook al, na jou toe kom, sê: “Nee,” en fokus jou gedagtes dan op iets uitstekend, die Woord. Moenie verbaas wees as sulke gedagtes weer terugsluip nie; weerstaan dit en herhaal die proses. Jakobus 4:7 sê: “…Weerstaan die duiwel en hy sal van julle af wegvlug.” God weet wat in die Duiwel steek en Hy sê dat ons hom moet teenstaan, dan sal hy vlug; dit moet gebeur!
Leer jou gemoed om ’n liefde vir geestelike dinge te ontwikkel; fokus jou belangstellings op die dinge van God. Woon kerkdienste by. Bestudeer en oordink die Woord. Handhaaf ’n gesonde gebedskedule. Wen siele. Dit is geestelike aktiwiteite waaraan jy moet deelneem om jouself op te lei om oor jou uiterlike mens te “regeer!” Halleluja!
Ek fokus doelbewus my gedagtes op die geestelike realiteite van die Woord en stuur myself na hoër vlakke van sukses, welvaart en oorwinning. Deur die krag van die Gees werp ek waardelose en onproduktiewe gedagtes neer en gebruik ek my gemoed reg om die heerlike en oorwinnende lewe waartoe ek in Christus geroep is, te sien. Amen.
Filippense 4:8; Romeine 12:2
Matthéüs 10:1-23 & Génesis 31-33
Handelinge 9:1-9 & Ester 7-8
Word deel van die wêreld se grootste evangelisasie netwerk:
Ondersteun heelhartig die grootste daaglikse toewydingsbundel in die wêreld, die Rhapsody of Realities. Word deel van die verspreidingsnetwerk van die grootste evangelisasie beweging in die wêreld saam met Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Die Rhapsody word maandeliks versprei en maandeliks vertaal in meer as 1,000 tale! Sedert die stigting van die Rhapsody of Realities dagstukkie is reeds meer as 1,000,000,000 (ja jy het reg gelees: 1 BILJOEN) in beide gedrukte en digitale kopieë versprei! Min mense in Suid Afrika weet dit – versprei die woord! Die Rhapsody word tans versprei in elke bekende gebied van die wêreld. Kom vat hande en word deel van die wêreld-wye beweging!
Hab 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Wie kan baatvind met die Rhapsody?
- Enigiemand. Indien jy net die wêreld se grootste dagstukkie wil geniet en dieselfde gebed hardop bid met miljoene Christene reg oor die wêreld in eenheid van gees, is jy welkom om die Rhapsody te kry vir jouself.
- Die gedrukte Rhapsody is egter ‘n fantastiese evangelisasie instrument en geselskap-aanknoper wat jy jouself (of groot evangelisasie groepe) kan gebruik om ander meer effektief te bereik.
- The Rhapsody is ook ‘n wonderlike aanwins vir Pastore van kerke wat nie hulle eie dagstukkie publikasie het nie, maar tog wil hê dat hulle kerk een moet hê om die gemeente te groei tot geestelike volwassenheid. Die Rhapsody is propvol inhoud en idees vir preke.
- Verder, kan jy dalk nie self na ‘n ver-afgeleë land gaan om mense daar met die Goeie Evangelie te bereik nie. Jy kan nou egter ‘n vennoot word van Rhapsody of Realities en gedrukte dagstukkie uitgawes stuur na enige land wat jy verkies. Iemand sal dit daar namens jou versprei en dis die ideale manier om die nasies te bereik, selfs van die huis af.
Raak betrokke en kry jou persoonlike kopie van die Rhapsody by:
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2).
Even though “affection” is quite a good and strong rendering in the verse above, the Greek, “phroneo” is a little more practical. It means to set your mind or your thinking; an activity of the mind; how your mind works. It originates from two words; one meaning, “To reign in,” like you say, “I’ve got to reign this fellow in”; that is, to bring him under control. The second word means, “To block in or fence in.”
Thus, the admonition to set your affection on things above means to have control on your mind and consciously set your thinking on spiritual things. Remember that the things you think about are the things that will control your actions.
For example, you may have been wrestling with certain habits; habits that affect the way you serve and live for the Lord; habits that reduce your effectiveness and efficiency. You might have prayed about it, yet, nothing seemed to have changed. It’s not so much about prayer as it’s about the use of your mind! Your mind is a very powerful machine; you can twist or control it any way you choose. So, what you must do is to first, consciously refuse to think on those things you know aren’t wholesome, and deliberately focus your mind on the Word.
Practise exercising your mind through conscious thought. If, for whatever reason, an unwholesome thought comes to you, say, “No,” and then, switch your mind to something excellent; to the Word. Don’t be surprised if such thoughts creep in again; resist it and repeat the process. James 4:7 says “…Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” God knows what’s in the devil, and He tells us if we resist him, he’ll flee; that’s got to be the necessary result!
Exercise your mind to develop a liking for spiritual things; exercise your interests in the things of God. Attend church services. Study and meditate on the Word. Maintain a robust prayer schedule. Win souls. These are spiritual activities to consciously engage in, in training yourself to “reign-in” your outward man! Hallelujah!
I consciously exercise my mind to focus on the spiritual realities of the Word, and project myself to greater levels of success, prosperity and victory. By the power of the Spirit, I cast off worthless and unproductive thoughts, and use my mind correctly to picture the glorious and victorious life that I have in Christ. Amen.
Philippians 4:8; Romans 12:2
Matthew 10:1-23 & Genesis 31-33
Acts 9:1-9 & Esther 7-8
Become part of the world's biggest evangelism network:
Start supporting the world’s biggest daily devotional, the Rhapsody of Realities. Become a partner of the distribution network of one of the biggest evangelism movements on earth today with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. The Rhapsody is printed and distributed monthly and is translated monthly in more than 1,000 languages! Since the inception of the devotional has more than 1,000,000,000 (yes: you have read right: 1 BILLION) copies printed and digital, been distributed! Few people in South Africa know it – spread the word! The Rhapsody is currently being distributed in every known territory known to man. Be part of the world wide movement!
Hab 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Who can benefit from the Rhapsody?
- Anyone really. If you just want to enjoy the world’s biggest daily devotional and pray the same prayer out loud with millions of Christians all over the world in unity of spirit, you are welcome to get the Rhapsody for yourself.
- However the printed Rhapsody is a great evangelism tool and also a conversation starter that can help yourself (as well as big evangelism groups) to reach other people more effectively.
- The Rhapsody is great for Pastors of churches that don’t have their own daily devotional but want their church to have one and build the church to maturity. As proven over many years, used by Pastors and leaders all over the world, the Rhapsody is always full of rich content and ideas for any sermon.
- Furthermore, you might not be able to go to a far away foreign country yourself in order to reach people with the Gospel. You can now however partner with Rhapsody of Realities and send devotionals to any country in the world you choose. Someone will distribute it there on your behalf and its an ideal way to reach the nations, even from home.
Get involved and get your personal copy of the Rhapsody at:
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Amen, ek rig elke gedagte wat ek kry op die Woord en ek stop met my volle bewussyn enige gedagte wat in teenstelling met die Woord en God se perfekte plan en doel vir my lewe is.
Praise the Lord!
I will consciously exercise my mind to focus on the spiritual realities of the Word, and project myself to greater levels of success, prosperity and victory!