’n Mens haat mos nie jou liggaam nie, maar voed en versorg dit. Christus maak net so met ons, die kerk (Efesiërs 5:29).
Jesus het in Johannes 10:11 en 14 gesê: “Ek is die goeie herder….” Die Griekse woord vir “herder” is “poimon” en dit beteken “pastoor.” Iemand wat deur God geroep is om die kudde te voed; met insig te beskerm en te koester. Dit is wat Jesus vir die Kerk doen; Hy voed en koester dit. Die apostel Paulus het dit impliseer in sy Gees-geïnspireerde waarskuwing in ons temavers.
Hoe voed die Here die Kerk? Hy doen dit deur die bediening van die Woord! Dit laat my dink aan iets wat die Here baie jare gelede vir my gesê het. Hy het gesê: ‘Voed my skape.’ Terwyl ek nog oor die stelling nagedink het, het Hy dit weer gesê. Op daardie tydstip het die trane vrylik gevloei, want ek het geweet wat Hy bedoel. Hy wou hê dat ek die Woord moes onderrig en ek het van toe af daarby gehou.
Wat die Here destyds vir my gesê het stem ooreen met sy ontmoeting met Petrus in Johannes 21:17. Nadat Hy drie keer na mekaar vir Petrus gevra het: ‘Het jy My lief?’ en Petrus ja geantwoord het, sê Hy vir hom: ‘Gaan versorg my skape.’ In die Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling staan: “Laat my skape wei.” Die Woord is voedsel vir die gees en elkeen wat dit waag om die Woord te glo en te ontvang, word gevoed, opgebou en onderhou in die oorwinnende lewe. In Handelinge 20:32 skryf die Gees: “En nou vertrou ek julle aan God toe en aan die boodskap van die genade wat Hy aan mense bewys. Dié boodskap is in staat om julle op te bou en julle in die seëninge te laat deel wat Hy aan al die gelowiges as erfporsie belowe het.”
Die Kerk is baie belangrik vir die Here. Die Bybel sê: “Omdat ons ledemate van sy liggaam is” (Efesiërs 5:30). Ons is één met Hom. Deur die bediening van die Woord onderhou Hy ons, gee ons krag, versterk en berei ons voor vir sy wederkoms binnekort: “Om só die kerk aan God toe te wy nadat Hy die kerk met die water en deur die woord gereinig het en sodat Hy die kerk in al sy skoonheid voor Hom kan stel, nie met enige vlek of plooi of enige ander onsierlikheid nie, maar aan God toegewy en onberispelik” (Efesiërs 5:26-27).
Die Here voed jou selfs nou terwyl jy hierdie dagstukkie bestudeer. Hy doen iets aan jou geestesmens. Hy verfris en verkwik jou deur en deur, want Hy koester jou. Halleluja!
Liewe Vader, dankie vir u Woord wat my opbou en my op die regte lewenskoers plaas. Ek het my heeltemal oorgegee aan die bediening van die Woord in my Bybelstudie en oordenking, daarom word ek gekoester, opgebou, ontwikkel en onderhou in die oorwinnende lewe. Ek leef in goddelike gesondheid, voorspoed en geniet buitengewone verbetering op elke gebied van my lewe, in Jesus se Naam. Amen.
Handelinge 20:32; Eségiël 34:14-15; 2 Timótheüs 3:15-17
Matthéüs 10:24-42 & Génesis 34-35
Handelinge 9:10-20 & Ester 9-10

Word deel van die wêreld se grootste evangelisasie netwerk:
Ondersteun heelhartig die grootste daaglikse toewydingsbundel in die wêreld, die Rhapsody of Realities. Word deel van die verspreidingsnetwerk van die grootste evangelisasie beweging in die wêreld saam met Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Die Rhapsody word maandeliks versprei en maandeliks vertaal in meer as 1,000 tale! Sedert die stigting van die Rhapsody of Realities dagstukkie is reeds meer as 1,000,000,000 (ja jy het reg gelees: 1 BILJOEN) in beide gedrukte en digitale kopieë versprei! Min mense in Suid Afrika weet dit – versprei die woord! Die Rhapsody word tans versprei in elke bekende gebied van die wêreld. Kom vat hande en word deel van die wêreld-wye beweging!
Hab 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Wie kan baatvind met die Rhapsody?
- Enigiemand. Indien jy net die wêreld se grootste dagstukkie wil geniet en dieselfde gebed hardop bid met miljoene Christene reg oor die wêreld in eenheid van gees, is jy welkom om die Rhapsody te kry vir jouself.
- Die gedrukte Rhapsody is egter ‘n fantastiese evangelisasie instrument en geselskap-aanknoper wat jy jouself (of groot evangelisasie groepe) kan gebruik om ander meer effektief te bereik.
- The Rhapsody is ook ‘n wonderlike aanwins vir Pastore van kerke wat nie hulle eie dagstukkie publikasie het nie, maar tog wil hê dat hulle kerk een moet hê om die gemeente te groei tot geestelike volwassenheid. Die Rhapsody is propvol inhoud en idees vir preke.
- Verder, kan jy dalk nie self na ‘n ver-afgeleë land gaan om mense daar met die Goeie Evangelie te bereik nie. Jy kan nou egter ‘n vennoot word van Rhapsody of Realities en gedrukte dagstukkie uitgawes stuur na enige land wat jy verkies. Iemand sal dit daar namens jou versprei en dis die ideale manier om die nasies te bereik, selfs van die huis af.
Raak betrokke en kry jou persoonlike kopie van die Rhapsody by:

For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church (Ephesians 5:29).
The Lord Jesus, in John 10:11 & 14, said, “I am the good shepherd….” The Greek word for “shepherd” is “poimen” and it means “Pastor”; one that’s called of God to nourish, carefully protect and cherish the flock. This is what Jesus does to the Church; He nourishes and cherishes it. The Apostle Paul implied this in his Spirit-inspired admonition in our theme verse.
How does the Lord nourish the Church? He does it through the ministry of the Word! It brings to mind something the Lord said to me while in prayer many years ago. He said, “Feed my sheep.” While I was still pondering on the statement, He said it again. At this time, tears flowed freely down my eyes, because I knew what He meant. He wanted me to teach the Word; and I’ve been at it ever since.
What the Lord said to me back then parallels His encounter with Peter in John 21:17. After asking Peter three consecutive times, “Do you love me?” and Peter answered in the affirmative, He said to him, “Feed my sheep.” He was telling Peter to feed them with the Word. The Word is food for the spirit, and anyone who dares to believe and receive the Word is nourished, built up, and sustained in the victorious life. In Acts 20:32, the Spirit writes, “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.”
The Church is very important to the Lord. The Bible says “…we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones” (Ephesians 5:30). We’re one with Him. And through the ministry of the Word, He sustains, energizes, strengthens and prepares us for His soon return: “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:26-27).
Even now, the Lord is nourishing you as you study this devotional. He’s doing something to your spirit; He’s invigorating and vitalizing you through and through, because He cherishes you. Hallelujah!
Dear Father, thank you for your Word that builds me up and positions me on the right course in life. I’m completely given to the ministry of the Word in study and meditation, and therefore, nurtured, edified, developed and sustained in the victorious life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, and enjoy unprecedented increase in every area of my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Acts 20:32; Ezekiel 34:14-15; 2 Timothy 3:15-17
Matthew 10:24-42 & Genesis 34-35
Acts 9:10-20 & Esther 9-10

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Start supporting the world’s biggest daily devotional, the Rhapsody of Realities. Become a partner of the distribution network of one of the biggest evangelism movements on earth today with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. The Rhapsody is printed and distributed monthly and is translated monthly in more than 1,000 languages! Since the inception of the devotional has more than 1,000,000,000 (yes: you have read right: 1 BILLION) copies printed and digital, been distributed! Few people in South Africa know it – spread the word! The Rhapsody is currently being distributed in every known territory known to man. Be part of the world wide movement!
Hab 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Who can benefit from the Rhapsody?
- Anyone really. If you just want to enjoy the world’s biggest daily devotional and pray the same prayer out loud with millions of Christians all over the world in unity of spirit, you are welcome to get the Rhapsody for yourself.
- However the printed Rhapsody is a great evangelism tool and also a conversation starter that can help yourself (as well as big evangelism groups) to reach other people more effectively.
- The Rhapsody is great for Pastors of churches that don’t have their own daily devotional but want their church to have one and build the church to maturity. As proven over many years, used by Pastors and leaders all over the world, the Rhapsody is always full of rich content and ideas for any sermon.
- Furthermore, you might not be able to go to a far away foreign country yourself in order to reach people with the Gospel. You can now however partner with Rhapsody of Realities and send devotionals to any country in the world you choose. Someone will distribute it there on your behalf and its an ideal way to reach the nations, even from home.
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My geestes mens is vandag rêrig gevoed met geestelike kos. Ek voel verfis en versterk. Dank die Here vir die Rhapsody of Realities!
Prys die Here!
Ek leef in goddelike gesondheid, voorspoed en geniet buitengewone verbetering op elke gebied van my lewe, in Jesus se Naam