How to make Discussion Chat Group on Telegram If you are an admin and want to make Discussion Chat Group attached to your Telegram channel, follow these steps: 1. Click on the Top right corner button of your channel 2. Tap on Manage Channel 3. Select Discussion followed by a button named ‘Add a Group’ 4. Tap on Create a Group 5. Insert desirable Name for your associated group chat forum. Telegram has launched a new Discussion Button feature that aims to increase user engagement with the Channels. Do you want to create a chat network like Twitter, but uncensored and  way better in functionsRead More →


28 Cool Telegram Messenger Tips and Tricks You Should Know Did you also dump spying, lying Whatsapp App? Want to get better with Telegram App? Get empowered and increase your productivity with these Telegram App tips tricks and hacks and take back your privacy. While not as secure a Signal (which Edward Snowden endorses), it is the best current alternative to Whatsapp. Christians should be aware that Big Tech is spying on them and the sooner we create our own platforms and move away from the Mainstream spy apps, the better. They block the flow of Biblical truth and are anti-Christ establishments, blocking Christian viewsRead More →

It’s time to move over to Telegram We all know Whatsapp is blocking messages that go viral. You can only forward messages to 5 people at a time, and when it becomes viral, to only one person at a time. Whatsapp is owned by leftist,  Facebook. Facebook is known for information leaks and breaking privacy rules. Now they are amending their privacy rules on the app to get to your personal information, just like Pavel Durov, owner of Telegram projected: WhatsApp is a “Trojan horse” exploited to snoop on millions of users naïve enough to believe that the Facebook-owned messenger differs from its parent company,Read More →

Telkom free educational website access gratis opvoedkundige webwerwe

Telkom het gister bekend gemaak dat dit toegang tot opvoedkundige- en Covid-19 inligtings webwerwe gratis sal bied . Telkom yesterday publisized it will zero-rate data access to educational websites and Covid-19 informational sites TELKOM GRATIS TOEGANG TOT TERSIËRE WEBSITES – Goeie Nuus Telkom het gister bekend gemaak dat dit toegang tot opvoedkundige webwerwe gratis sal bied, sowel as vir webwerwe wat die inligting gee oor die COVID-19-coronavirus. Opvoedkundige webwerwe met ‘n nulkoers bestaan hoofsaaklik uit die webwerwe vir opvoedkundige fasiliteite van universiteite en kolleges. Telkom doen dit om hierdie onderwysinstellings te help om hul leer- en onderrigprosesse voort te sit – indien fisiese klasse gekanselleerRead More →

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STUUR VIR ONS JOU GOEIE NUUS TEGNOLOGIE-NUUS ARTIKELS Help ons om Nuus.News uit te brei. Suid Afrika wag vir jou Goeie Nuus: TEGNOLOGIE-NUUS Artikel. Kontak ons en stuur dit in deur die vorm heel onder in te vul. Help ons om Goeie Nuus na die wêreld te bring. SEND IN YOUR GOOD NEWS TECHNOLOGY-NEWS ARTICLES Help us to build Nuus.News. South Africa is waiting for your Good News: TECHNOLOGY-NEWS Article. Please contact us and send it to us by filling in the contact us form below. Help us to bring Good News to the world.Read More →