Dr Able Reverend Eileen

Word geïnspireer met ‘n kragtige gebed gelei deur Dr Able vanuit sy huis in Kempton Park teen die coronavirus met ‘n boodskap van hoop en versterking. | Be inspired with a powerful prayer led by Dr Able from his home in Kempton Park against the coronavirus with a message of hope and encouragement. Corona – Kragtige Gebedsessie met Dr Able Suid Afrika is in ‘n 21 dae “lockdown” greep.  Suid Afrikaners is vasgebonde in hulle huise.  Baie is in angs en vrees vir die onbekende. Mense loop rond met maskers, en handskoene en kyk na almal rondom hulle en wonder: “het die persoon wat voorRead More →

Coronavirus lockdown annouced by Cyril Ramaphosa

CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) NEWS SOUTH AFRICA: NATION WIDE “LOCKDOWN” DECLARED BY PRESIDENT CYRIL RAMAPHOSA Nuus.News Article Summary: Breaking News: the President of South Africa, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa has just declared South Africa in a Nation-wide 21-day “Lockdown”. All non-essential services companies have to close down from Friday 27 March 2020. All South African citizens locked down will be confined to their houses, and only allowed to move out of their houses to buy the necessary food or to go to seek medical help with doctors. A list of essential service businesses and personnel that will be allowed to function during this period will be announcedRead More →

Telkom free educational website access gratis opvoedkundige webwerwe

Telkom het gister bekend gemaak dat dit toegang tot opvoedkundige- en Covid-19 inligtings webwerwe gratis sal bied . Telkom yesterday publisized it will zero-rate data access to educational websites and Covid-19 informational sites TELKOM GRATIS TOEGANG TOT TERSIËRE WEBSITES – Goeie Nuus Telkom het gister bekend gemaak dat dit toegang tot opvoedkundige webwerwe gratis sal bied, sowel as vir webwerwe wat die inligting gee oor die COVID-19-coronavirus. Opvoedkundige webwerwe met ‘n nulkoers bestaan hoofsaaklik uit die webwerwe vir opvoedkundige fasiliteite van universiteite en kolleges. Telkom doen dit om hierdie onderwysinstellings te help om hul leer- en onderrigprosesse voort te sit – indien fisiese klasse gekanselleerRead More →

Gebed om 12pm met Pastoor Able 16 Maart Bid vurig vir 15 minute in verstaanbare woorde en in tale. “Hierdie brief skrywe ek vir julle, sodat julle kan weet dat julle die ewige lewe het, julle wat in die Seun van God glo.” ‭‭1 JOHANNES‬ ‭5:13‬  Bevestig jou vertroue en geloof in die Naam van Jesus Verklaar dat jy die ewige lewe het (die God-lewe) wat aan die werk is in jou en daarom kan satan en bose geeste  geen uitwerking op jou liggaam hê nie Bid vir al die mense dwarsoor die wêreld wat die uitwerking van die Koronavirus pandemie ervaar en vra datRead More →

Corona Virus Vaccine News

Corona Virus (Covid-19) vaccine Good News: Israel may may have the answer in weeks Good News: JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli scientists say they are just weeks away from releasing the world’s first vaccine against the deadly Coronavirus. The Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL) spent four years creating a vaccine against the highly contagious coronavirus that infects birds called Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV). Now, they’re adapting the vaccine for the human coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. “Congratulations to MIGAL on this exciting breakthrough. I am confident that there will be further rapid progress, enabling us to provide a needed response to the grave global COVID-19 threat,” saidRead More →

Corona Virus News South Africa State of Disaster

CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) NEWS SOUTH AFRICA: STATE OF DISASTER DECLARED BY PRESIDENT CYRIL RAMAPHOSA Nuus.News Article Summary: Breaking News: the President of South Africa, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa has just declared South Africa in a National “State of Disaster”, in an address to the people of South Africa. The video and full transcript is available below. Drastic measures are taken to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19): A travel ban has been issued on international travellers, visas has been cancelled. Non-essential domestic travel is also been limited. All schools closed from 18 March until Easter weekend in April. No large gatherings allowed of peopleRead More →