Pastor Rodney Howard Browne Supports Unlock Section 31 Petition

Die welbekende Pastoor Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne het sy volle ondersteuning gevoeg tot die Ontsluit-Artikel-31 Petisie van die SA Christelike Kerk op Kyk na die video.

The well known Pastor Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne has given his full support to the Unlock-Section-31 Petition of the Christian Church on Watch the video.

Pastoor Rodney Howard-Browne ondersteun Unlock Section31 Petisie van SA Kerke

Suid Afrikaanse Kerke is veheug oor die internasionale onderteuning wat gekry word in die lig van die Ontsluit-Artikel-31 Petisie wat onlangs geloods is. Pastoor Rodney Howard Browne van Amerika het sy volle ondersteuning gegee in die lig van die Ontsluit-Artikel-31 Petisie wat die Christen Kerk in SA op aangebring het. Die petisie beoog om Kerke as “Essiensiële Dienste” geklassifiseer te kry en om Kerkbyeenkomste weer wettig te maak.

Pastoor Howard-Browne is een van die top invloedryke Pastore in Amerika. Ondersteuning vir die petisie tel by die dag momentum op soos Christene begin agterkom dat hulle geloofsvryheid in gedrag is met die nuwe wetgewings wat daagliks aangebring word.

Die regering het ‘n beroep gedoen op kerke om die kerke oop te maak vir onderwys doeleindes om studente te huisves, maar het die kerk verban om enige kerkbyeenkomste te hou totdat daar eendag ‘n vaksine gevind is teen corona. Die regering het die kerke saam met sjebeens en taverns geklassifseer in hulle lock-down groeperings en het geweier om kerke as essensiële dienste te klassifiseer.

U kan meer lees oor hierdie petisie deur hier te kliek.

Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne supports Unlock Section31 Petition by SA Churches

South african Churches are elated about the international support it is receiving in the light of the Unlock Section 31 Petition that has recently been launched. Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne has pledged his full support in the light of the UnlockSection31 Petition that the Christian Church in SA launched on The petition aims to get Churches classified as “Essential Services” and that Churches be allowed to gather again.

Pastor Howard-Browne is one of the most influential Pastors in America. Support for the Petition is gaining momentum by the day as Christians are beginning to realise that their freedom of religion is under threat with the new laws that are daily put in place.

The government has called on churches to open the churches for educational purposes to house students, but has banned any form of church gathering indefinitely, seemingly until a vaccine against corona is found. The government as also grouped the churches together with shebeens and taverns in their lockdown groupings and has refused to classify churches as essential services.

You can read more about the petition here. 

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