Daily Devotional: TELL IT AROUND THE WORLD And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned(Mark 16:15-16). As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, it’s important to realize that His glorious return is imminent, much closer than many realize. Therefore, we must intensify our efforts in reaching the lost, in telling the untold in our world and in the regions beyond that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Only through Him can men be savedRead More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: VERTEL DIT REGOOR DIE WÊRELD Toe het Hy hulle beveel:  Gaan die hele wêreld in en verkondig die Goeie Nuus aan almal, oral. Elkeen wat glo en gedoop word, sal verlos word. Maar elkeen wat nie glo nie, sal veroordeel word (Markus 16:15-16). Terwyl ons Jesus Christus se geboorte vier, is dit belangrik om te besef dat sy glorieryke wederkoms op hande is; baie nader as wat baie mense besef. Daarom moet ons ons pogings versterk om verlorenes te bereik, om dié in ons wêreld en in die streke daarbuite wat nie weet nie te vertel dat Hy die weg, dieRead More →

Daily Devotional: NEVER ASHAMED OF HIM

Daily Devotional: NEVER ASHAMED OF HIM Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels (Mark 8:38). There’re some people who are ashamed to be identified with Jesus and His Church; how tragic that is! Your oneness with the Lord is the greatest, most sublime and royal identity ever. Celebrate it at every opportunity. Seize every moment to glorify Jesus Christ. Let your love for Him be loud and unequivocal. If you’re ashamed toRead More →

Daily Devotional: NEVER ASHAMED OF HIM

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: NOOIT SKAAM VIR HOM NIE As jy jou vir My en vir my boodskap skaam te midde van vandag se ontroue en sondige mense, sal Ek, die Seun van die Mens, My ook vir jou skaam wanneer Ek terugkeer met die heilige engele, beklee met die heerlikheid van my Vader (Markus 8:38). Daar is sommige mense wat skaam is om met Jesus en sy kerk geïdentifiseer te word en hoe tragies is dit tog nie! Jou eenheid met die Here is die grootste, mees verhewe en koninklike identiteit ooit. Vier dit by elke geleentheid. Gryp elke oomblik aan om Jesus ChristusRead More →


Daily Devotional: MAKE YOUR LIFE GLORIOUS Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life (Galatians 6:5 MSG). Some Christians try to blame God for what actually is their responsibility. Oftentimes, when something unpleasant happens, they conclude that it’s the will of God; otherwise, “Why did He let it happen?” they muse. What we need to realise is that the authority to change things on earth, and make our lives as beautiful as we desire, has been given to us. You can make your life glorious by living out God’s Word. In Matthew 17:20, the Lord JesusRead More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: VERHEERLIK JOU LEWE Ons weet tog: Almal sal oor hulleself verantwoording moet doen (Galasiërs 6:5). Sommige Christene probeer God blameer vir wat eintlik hulle verantwoordelikheid is. Dikwels wanneer iets onaangenaam gebeur, besluit hulle dat dit God se wil is, anders: “Waarom het Hy dit laat gebeur?” wonder hulle. Wat sulke mense moet besef, is dat ons die mag gegee is om dinge op aarde te verander en ons lewens so mooi te maak soos wat ons wil. Jy kan jou lewe verheerlik deur God se Woord uit te leef. In Matteus 17:20 was die Here Jesus beslis toe Hy gesê het:Read More →


Daily Devotional: WE’RE THE LIGHT…JUST LIKE JESUS Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid (Matthew 5:14). In John 8, we read of a certain woman who was caught in the act of adultery and was to be stoned to death. But it turned out she knew where Jesus was and ran to Him. The mob came after her, and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, for what this woman has done, we’re supposed to stone her to death; do you have any objections?” (John 8:4-5). Jesus said, “Well, no objections, but get started with any oneRead More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: ONS IS DIE LIG…NES JESUS Julle is die lig van die wêreld. ’n Stad wat bo-op ’n berg lê, kan nie weggesteek word nie (Matteus 5:14). Ons lees in Johannes 8 van ’n sekere vrou wat in die daad van egbreuk betrap is en wat gestenig sou word. Maar sy het geweet waar Jesus was en haar na Hom toe gehaas. Die skare sit haar toe agterna en sê vir Jesus: “Meester, hierdie vrou is in ’n daad van egbreuk betrap; en Moses het ons in die wet bevel gegee om sulke vroue te stenig; maar U, wat sê U?” (JohannesRead More →

Daily Devotional: WE ARE KING-PRIESTS

Daily Devotional: WE ARE KING-PRIESTS And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen (Revelation 1:6). The phrase, “kings and priests” in the scripture above is also rendered “a kingdom of priests” in other translations. The tends to assume that “a kingdom of priests” is referring to a kingdom where there’re priests. But the accurate expression is “kingpriests.” He’s made us king-priests, which is a fulfillment of prophecy! In Exodus 19:5-6, God had said to the children of Israel, “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep myRead More →

Daily Devotional: WE ARE KING-PRIESTS

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: ONS IS KONING-PRIESTERS En ons gemaak het konings en priesters vir sy God en Vader, aan Hom die heerlikheid en die krag tot in alle ewigheid! Amen (Openbaring 1:6). Die frase “konings en priesters” in die bogaande Skrifgedeelte word ook in ander vertalings as “’n koninkryk van priesters” vertaal, maar nie een van die twee is heeltemal akkuraat nie. Die leser is geneig om die aanname te maak dat “’n koninkryk van priesters” verwys na ’n koninkryk waar daar priesters is. Maar die korrekte vertaling vanuit Grieks is “koningpriesters”. Hy het ons koning-priesters gemaak, wat ’n vervulling van profesie is ditRead More →