Daily Devotional: WE’VE GOT TO PREACH IT

Daily Devotional: WE’VE GOT TO PREACH IT In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour (Titus 1:2-3). We’ve got to preach the Word; we’ve got to tell the untold, or they’ll never have the chance to believe it and be saved. Romans 10:13-14 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believeRead More →


Daily Devotional: INSPIRED AND AFIRE ALWAYS Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest (Joshua 1:9). Since the day I received the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, I’ve never ran out of inspiration. The key is fellowship with the Holy Spirit! That’s the secret of ALWAYS being inspired and afire for the Lord. The Holy Spirit should be your number one driving force in life. Without Him, life is a drag; dull, empty and vain! Christianity without the HolyRead More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: ALTYD GEÏNSPIREERD EN AAN DIE BRAND Het Ek jou nie beveel nie: Wees sterk en vol moed, wees nie bevrees of verskrik nie; want die Here jou God is met jou, oral waar jy heengaan (Josua 1:9). Sedert die dag toe ek die Heilige Gees ontvang en in tale begin bid het, het ek nog nooit inspirasie verloor nie. Die sleutel is jou vriendskap met die Heilige Gees! Dit is die geheim daartoe om ALTYD geïnspireerd en aan die brand te wees vir die Here. Die Heilige Gees moet die primêre dryfkrag in jou lewe wees. Sonder Hom is die leweRead More →


Daily Devotional: PRAY FOR GOD’S PEOPLE IN DISTRESS Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you (2 Thessalonians 3:1). In Acts 12:1-2, the Bible says, “…Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.” When the Church heard that James had been arrested, they must have thought, “James arrested? Nothing will happen to him; he’s a man of faith.” But once James was killed, it got their attention. “Where was God? How did GodRead More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: BID VIR GOD SE MENSE WAT IN ONGESINDHEID IS VERDER, broeders, bid vir ons dat die woord van die Here sy snelle loop mag hê en verheerlik word net soos by julle (2 Tessalonisense 3:1). In Handelinge 12:1-2 sê die Bybel: “EN omtrent daardie tyd het koning Herodes sy hande geslaan aan sommige uit die gemeente om hulle kwaad aan te doen. En hy het Jakobus, die broer van Johannes, met die swaard omgebring” (Handelinge 12:1-2). Toe die Kerk hoor dat Jakobus gearresteer is, moes hulle gedink het: “Jakobus gearresteer? Hy sal niks oorkom nie; hy is ’n man van geloof.”Read More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: LEEF IN WAARHEID En julle sal begryp wat die waarheid beteken, en die waarheid sal julle vrymaak (Johannes 8:32). Ons is deur God se Woord geskape en sy Woord is waarheid; dit beteken dat ons deur die waarheid geskape is. Dit is waarom die waarheid ’n ewige uitwerking op jou gees het; dit het ’n ewige effek van sukses, oorwinning, voorspoed en gesondheid in jou lewe, want die waarheid is jou bron. Daarom vernietig valsheid, bedrog, misleiding, leuens en om te jok die menslike gees. Om te jok stem nie ooreen met jou geaardheid nie. Sommige mense vertel leuens uit vreesRead More →

Daily Devotional: THE REAL FIGHT

Daily Devotional: LIVE IN TRUTH And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). We were created by God’s Word, and His Word is truth; that means we were created by truth. This is why truth has an effect on your spirit; it has an eternal effect of success, victory, prosperity, health in your life, because truth is your source. That’s why falsehood, deceit, deception, lies and lying destroy the human spirit. Lying isn’t consistent with your nature. Some people tell lies out of fear of punishment, while others do it for plain deception. Whatever your excuse might be,Read More →

Daily Devotional: THE REAL FIGHT

Daily Devotional: THE REAL FIGHT Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses (1 Timothy 6:12). Not many people understand what it is to fight, and by that I don’t mean physical combat; I’m talking about the fight of faith. The fight of faith is the conflict between our earthly transient temporal circumstances and our spiritual realities. It is the unleashing of our faith on the rebellious circumstances of time to compel changes to correspond with our stubborn faith proclamations. It’s not a fight with the devil; it’sRead More →

Daily Devotional: THE REAL FIGHT

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: DIE WARE STRYD Stry die goeie stryd vir dit waarin ons glo. Hou stewig vas aan die ewige lewe wat God jou gegee het, en wat jy so opreg bely het voor baie getuies (1 Timoteus 6:12). Nie baie mense verstaan wat dit is om te veg nie en daarmee bedoel ek nie vuisgevegte nie. Ek praat van die geloofstryd. Die geloofstryd is die konflik tussen ons aardse, kortstondige, tydelike omstandighede en ons geestelike werklikhede. Dit is die vrystelling van ons geloof oor opstandige omstandighede van tyd om veranderinge af te dwing, sodat dinge ooreen sal stem met ons hardnekkige geloofsverklarings.Read More →

Daily Devotional: DON’T KEEP GRUDGES

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: MOENIE WROKKE KOESTER NIE Daarom moet julle julle sondes teenoor mekaar bely en vir mekaar bid sodat julle gesond kan word. Die gebed van iemand wie se saak met God reg is, het ’n kragtige werking (Jakobus 5:16). ‘n Dienaar het eenkeer ’n verhaal vertel van twee vroue in sy Kerk wat lank gestry het. Een van hulle het vir ’n paar jaar skildklier probleme gehad en ten spyte van sy gebede vir haar, het dit nie genees nie. Die tweede vrou kon nie die Heilige Gees ontvang nie; sy kon net nie in tale bid nie, al het hy verskeieRead More →