Who would ever have thought the Government will now shoot at church goers and imprison Pastors for going to church? Is this happening in our lifetime under our watch? Breaking News. Watch the video from the live report done by ENCA below. Government has banned church gatherings under lockdown level 3. From the report it seems church leaders were meeting to discuss the lockdown regulations Government has forced on churches without prior consultation with churches.  In fact Government has banned all church gatherings, while they have ordered casinos to be opened, taxi’s to run at full capacity, shopping malls to stay open and also restaurantsRead More →

Daily Devotional: THE AFFIRMATION PRINCIPLE But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:8-10). It’s astonishing that many make light of the above verses and miss the amazing revelation it brings to the Church. It’s like what’s revealed in HebrewsRead More →

Britain implementing health passports soon. The free movement of people is now being blocked. Christians in South Africa, beware of what is already happening in the UK and Europe.  Forced vaccinations will take place since vaccination certificates will be necessary. This is of course necessary for the One World Government to be formed with the Bill Gates owned new One World Economy digital currency patented under number WO/2020/060606, which to us Christians means, the mark of the Beast, 666. Christians we need to stand up. Phone you Pastor and make them aware of what is happening. Join www.Gospel.Network.The article below is for your information as aRead More →

Moenie bang wees vir die Hoofstroom Media nie Op wie is jou huis gebou? Op die rots of op die sand?  Gaan die hoofstroom media vreesberigte jou wegsleep? Is die gees van vrees die hoof doodmaker agter the coronavirus? Luister hieronder na ‘n video wat viraal geraak het maar Whatsapp geblok het. Dis een van die beste gedigte gegee vir ons generasie wat jou nuwe krag en moed gaan gee in hierdie tyd. Prys die Here, Koning Jesus is steeds 100% in beheer! Deel dit met almal wat se geloof opbou nodig het. “Mijn Jesus is uit de dood verrezen en Zijn Naam zij geprezen”Read More →

Daily Devotional: MANIFEST HIS GLORY But you are a chosen race, a royalpriesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s]own purchased, special people, thatyou may set forth the wonderful deedsand display the virtues and perfectionsof Him Who called you out of darknessinto His marvellous light(1 Peter 2:9 AMPC). One of the most beautiful revelations inthe Word of God is the truth that as newcreations, we’re the glory of God in a dark and cynicalworld. We’re the solution to the darkness in the world.The Bible says, “For, behold, the darkness shall coverthe earth, and gross darkness the people…” (Isaiah60:2). The gross darkness in the world is the indicationthat it’sRead More →

It’s time to move over to Telegram We all know Whatsapp is blocking messages that go viral. You can only forward messages to 5 people at a time, and when it becomes viral, to only one person at a time. Whatsapp is owned by leftist,  Facebook. Facebook is known for information leaks and breaking privacy rules. Now they are amending their privacy rules on the app to get to your personal information, just like Pavel Durov, owner of Telegram projected: WhatsApp is a “Trojan horse” exploited to snoop on millions of users naïve enough to believe that the Facebook-owned messenger differs from its parent company,Read More →

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: EWIG OORWINNEND MAAR God sy dank wat ons altyd laattriomfeer in Christus en wat die reuk vansy kennis deur ons oral versprei(2 Korintiërs 2:14).. Deesdae word daar soveel nuus van moorden doodslag deur die media versprei; daaris meer swaarkry, strawwe ekonomiese toestande,boosheid en terreur in die wêreld as ooit tevore. Diewêreld het ’n kritieke kookpunt bereik. Maar jy hetniks om te vrees nie, want jy is in Christus. Christus isjou land, jou tuiste en jou omgewing.In Christus is jy ewig oorwinnend. Jy het al dieantichrisgeeste van hierdie wêreld oorwin. 1 Johannes4:4 sê: “Julle is uit God, my kinders, en het hulleoorwin,Read More →

Daily Devotional: FOREVER VICTORIOUS Now thanks be unto God, which alwayscauseth us to triumph in Christ, andmaketh manifest the savour of hisknowledge by us in every place(2 Corinthians 2:14). Today, so much news of gloom and doomis disseminated through the media; there’sso much hardship, harsh economic conditions,wickedness and terror in the world than it has everbeen. The world is at a critical boiling point. But beingin Christ, you have nothing to fear. Christ is yourcountry, your home and environment.In Christ, you’re forever victorious. You haveovercome all the antichrist spirits of this world. 1 John4:4 says, “Ye are of God, little children, and haveovercome them: becauseRead More →


40 million South Africans targeted for vaccination by the end of 2021 – Is there a massive push to make South Africa the first African country to take forced vaccinations? JOHANNESBURG – More than 40 million South Africans, are targeted to receive the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year. That’s two thirds of SA’s population, or 66,6%. Christians be aware of Government’s plans to vaccinate you. This plan will be rolled out from April 2021 and is planned to be finalised by December 2021.  However, the “vaccine” which everyone hails as the most “safe”  “vaccine” made, has questions about it. Nuus.News is anRead More →

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: DIE WOORD IS ONS LEIDENDE BEGINSEL Die Heilige Gees leer ons duidelikdat in die laaste tye sommige mensesal wegdraai van wat ons glo; hullesal leuengeeste volg en leerstellingswat van bose geeste af kom(1 Timoteus 4:1). In hierdie eindtyd vóór die wegraping van diekerk, is afvalligheid een van die verskynsels watons sal aanskou (2 Tessalonisense 2:3). Baie sal van diegeloof afvallig raak, omdat hulle ag gee op verleidendegeeste – geeste wat mense lok om nie in God te glonie, om nie die waarheid te glo nie. Hierdie geestelok mense van die regte pad af om aandag te gee aanleringe, bewerings en instruksiesRead More →