DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: GELOOF IN SY WOORD Toe sê Jesus vir die hoofman oor honderd: Gaan, en laat dit vir jou wees soos jy geglo het. En sy kneg het gesond geword in daardie uur (Matteus 8:13). By geleentheid, na sy opstanding, het die Here Jesus aan sy dissipels verskyn na ’n onsuksesvolle visvangekspedisie. Die dissipels het die hele nag lank geswoeg en niks gevang nie. Toe het Jesus vir hulle gesê: “Gooi die net aan die regterkant van die skuit, en julle sal kry” (Johannes 21:6). Die Bybel sê: “…Hulle het toe gegooi en deur die menigte van visse was hulle nie meerRead More →

Daily Devotional: FAITH IN HIS WORD …Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour (Matthew 8:13). On a certain occasion, after His resurrection, the Lord Jesus appeared to His disciples as they rounded off a fruitless fishing mission. The disciples had toiled all night and caught nothing. Then Jesus said to them, “…Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you shall find…” (John 21:6). The Bible says, “…they threw the net out and could not pull it back in, because they had caught so many fish”Read More →

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: ’N BETROUBARE MANIER OM JOU GEES TE OEFEN Maar verwerp onheilige en oudwyfse fabels, en oefen jou in die godsaligheid. Want die liggaamlike oefening is tot weinig nut, maar die godsaligheid is nuttig vir alles, omdat dit die belofte van die teenwoordige en die toekomende lewe het (1 Timoteus 4:7-8). Om jou in die godsaligheid te oefen, beteken om jou menslike gees, die ware jy, te oefen. Een betroubare manier om jou gees te oefen is om in tale te bid; dit hou jou gees stralend en aan die brand vir God. Judas 1:20 sê: “Maar julle, geliefdes, moet julleself opbouRead More →

Daily Devotional: A SURE WAY TO EXERCISE YOUR SPIRIT But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come (1 Timothy 4:7-8). Exercising yourself unto godliness means exercising your human spirit, which is the real you. And one sure way to exercise your spirit is praying in tongues; it keeps your spirit aglow and afire for God. Jude 1:20 says, “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the HolyRead More →

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: VERWERP DIE ‘GEMORS’ WAT JOU ‘FONTEINE’ KAN VERSTOP Hy wat in My glo, soos die Skrif sê: strome van lewende water sal uit sy binneste vloei (Johannes 7:38). Jesaja 12:3 sê: “En julle sal water skep met vreugde uit die fonteine van heil.” Fonteine van heil verwys na al die seëninge van Christus wat diep in jou gees weggebêre is. Die Bybel sê dat die oorspronge van die lewe uit jou gees vloei. Jy dra ’n fontein van seëninge binne-in jou. Die duiwel probeer om daardie fonteine te verstop. In die Bybelse tyd, as ’n stad binnegeval is, het die vyandRead More →

Daily Devotional: REFUSE THE “DIRTS” THAT CAN CLOG YOUR “WELLS” He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). Isaiah 12:3 says, “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.” Wells of salvation refer to all the blessings of Christ inherent in the deep recesses of your spirit. The Bible says out of your spirit are the issues of life. You carry within you a fountain of blessings. Now, the devil always seeks to block up “the wells.” Think about it in line with what happened inRead More →

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: VERTROU SOOS ’N KIND Vertrou op die Here met jou hele hart en steun nie op jou eie insig nie (Spreuke 3:5). Om vol vertroue te wees is nie dieselfde as om liggelowig te wees nie en dis noodsaaklik om hierdie onderskeiding te maak, want daar is liggelowige mense wat dink dat hulle vol vertroue is. Om liggelowig te wees beteken jy word maklik mislei. Maar kinders word nie maklik mislei nie; hulle is gewoonlik vol vertroue. Hulle vertrou jou karakter. Grootmense kan egter liggelowig wees. ’n Grootmens sal probeer om dit wat vir hom gesê is uit te redeneer voordatRead More →

Daily Devotional: TRUST LIKE A CHILD Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Being trusting isn’t the same as being gullible, and recognising this distinction is essential there’re gullible people who think they’re trusting. To be gullible means to be easily deceived. But children aren’t easily deceived; they’re usually trusting. They trust your character. Adults, however, can be gullible. An adult will try to reason out whatever he’s told before he trusts it, and he may not give much concern to the character of the one he’s trusting. If you hold out a child fromRead More →