Daily Devotional MEDITATE ON HIS TRUTHS But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory… (2 Corinthians 3:18). Sometimes, it’s possible to look at yourself and not seem like what God says you are. Even in this season of celebration, after all that has happened this year, you may think through your life and wonder, “What’s really there to celebrate? Life has been so hard.” When you think or talk like that, you’re going in the wrong direction. Stop looking at circumstances; look at the Word. Our themeRead More →

Daily Devotional: THE WORD ALIVE IN YOU

DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: DIE WOORD IS LEWEND IN JOU En die Woord het mens geword en by ons kom woon. Ons het sy heerlikheid duidelik gesien, ’n heerlikheid soos dié van die enigste Seun van die Vader, vol liefdevolle goedheid en waarheid (Johannes 1:14). Kersfees beteken dat die Woord gekom het; die Woord is gebore. Die Woord het vlees geword en in die strate geloop; hulle het sy heerlikheid aanskou totdat Hy gekruisig is. Maar God het Hom opgewek en openlik, met baie onteenseglike bewyse, gewys dat Hy sou leef. Nou bly Hy in jou. Prys die Here! Hulle het op die Woord gewag,Read More →

Daily Devotional: THE WORD ALIVE IN YOU

Daily Devotional: THE WORD ALIVE IN YOU And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Christmas means the Word has come; the Word is born. The Word became flesh and walked the streets; they beheld His glory until He was slain. But God raised Him up and showed Him openly to be alive with many infallible proofs. Now, He abides in you. Praise God! They waited for the Word, expected His glory that the prophets spoke about; they expected His light,Read More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: ELKE DAG KERSFEES Want ons is God se handewerk. Hy het ons in ons eenheidsband met Christus Jesus só gemaak dat ons die goeie werke wat Hy vir ons bestem het, kan uitlewe (Efesiërs 2:10). Jesus is gebore sodat mense die goeie lewe kan hê, soos ons teksgedeelte onthul. In Johannes 10:10 het Hy gesê: “Ék het gekom sodat hulle lewe kan hê, ja, sodat hulle dit oorvloedig het.” Jy is nie gebore om bloot te lewe nie, maar om die goeie lewe te lei wat Hy vooraf vir jou voorberei het – ’n uitstekende lewe. Nou kan jy vol entoesiasme,Read More →


Daily Devotional: CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew]… [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live] (Ephesians 2:10 AMPC). Jesus was born that men may have, and live the good life, as our theme scripture reveals. In John 10:10 AMPC, He said, “…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” You weren’t born to merely live, but to live the good life which He prepared for you ahead of time—an excellent life. Now, you can beRead More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: VIER DIE LEWENDE EN VLEESGEWORDE …Wie My reeds gesien het, het ook reeds my Vader gesien. Hoe sê jy dan: “Wys ons die Vader? (Johannes 14:8-9). Alhoewel Kersfees, die viering van Jesus se geboorte, ongetwyfeld die gewildste vakansiedag in die wêreld is, is daar steeds baie mense wat nie weet wie Jesus regtig is nie. Vir sommige is Hy maar net ’n groot godsdiensleier. Jesus is egter nie bloot ’n godsdienstige leier of hervormer nie; Hyself is God. Jy moet die Woord van God bestudeer om dit te ontdek. In Johannes 5:39 het Jesus gesê: “… ondersoek die Skrifte, want ditRead More →


Daily Devotional: CELEBRATING THE INCARNATE AND THE LIVING WORD …he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?(John 14:8-9). Even though Christmas, which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, is inarguably the most popular holiday in the world, there are still many who don’t know who Jesus really is. To some, He’s a great religious leader. But Jesus isn’t a mere religious leader or reformist; He’s Himself, God. You have to study the Word of God to discover this. In John 5:39, Jesus said, “…search the Scriptures, for they testify of me.” The ScripturesRead More →


DAGSTUKKIES UIT DIE BYBEL: CHRISTUS WOON IN JOU HART Die dief kom vir niks anders nie as om te steel, dood te maak en te vernietig. Ék het gekom sodat hulle lewe kan hê, ja, sodat hulle dit oorvloedig het (Johannes 10:10). Kersfees gaan oor wie Jesus is en wat Hy kom doen het. Hy het nie gekom om ’n godsdiens te vestig nie. Hy het nie gekom om ons bloot te wys hoe om goeie dinge te doen nie; Hy het gekom om ons lewe te gee; God se lewe. God het ons gemaak en Hy wou hê dat ons sy soort lewe moesRead More →


Daily Devotional: CHRIST ALIVE IN YOUR HEART The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Christmas is about who Jesus is, and what He came to do. He didn’t come to establish a religion. He didn’t come to merely show us how to do good things; He came to give us life; God’s life. God made us, and He wanted us to have His kind of life, and His plan was that Jesus would be the one to give us thatRead More →

Gebed vir die dag Desember 2020

Gebed vir die dag Desember 2020 21 Desember 2020 Gebed vir die dag om 12nm met Dr Able Bid virig vir 15 minute in tale en in verstaanbare woorde. Skakel gerus in op die lewendige uitsending van hierdie gebedsgeleentheid deur die volgende skakel te volg https://www.facebook.com/able.gospel/“Wanneer die bevel gegee word en die stem van die aartsengel en die trompet van God weerklink, sal die Here self uit die hemel neerdaal. Allereers sal dié wat in Christus gesterf het, uit die dood opstaan; daarna sal ons wat nog lewe, saam met hulle op die wolke weggevoer word, die lug in, die Here tegemoet. En so sal onsRead More →